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Island inferno, my first sauce


Found some shots of some sauce I made last year with my first home grown chillis. A friend of mine was in the print business so he made my labels for me. But sadly he is longer working there so have to sort my own labels this year.

The sauces were both made from super chillis and scotch bonnets so its not exactly an inferno but we were dead pleased with the.

Basic ingredients as follows

Red colour sauce:-

Onion,garlic,tomatoes(from our garden) white wine vinegar,horseradish,sugar, chillies.

Yellow colour:-

Mango,pineapple,mustard powder,white wine vinegar,garlic,onion chillies.

Hopefully with the help of the good fellows on THP we can improve this year. Still it was great fun and they tasted pretty good.

Well you came to the right place.

My wife and I are going to give it a go this year, but just for our own consumption. It's going to be interesting because my wife doesn't believe that hot and sweet goes together. Typical Eastern European girl, what can I say? Americans have sauces for all occasions…that's who we are!!
No it didn't really. I used a creamed horseradish that was not so potent. I just added it because I love it really. I could still taste the peppery scotch bonnets though.
I think I may try wasabi this year with the T scorps(fingers crossed).

Chillies and horseradish! Yikes I bet your nasal passages were open for awhile! :mouthonfire: What was the overriding taste in the red one? Did the horseradish overtake the pepper heat?

Hmmm... good ideas :dance:
