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It's NYE - I'm starting a clique!

The Hot Pepper said:
For f**k's sake!


On another note, boss doesn't have a swear filter?  sooooooo jelly! 
Just trying to bring in the new year right-along with memories that'll last along time.Tomorrow it'll be over and back to peppers and life.Tonight it's GOODBYE TO 2014(GOOD OR BAD)SO POUR ANOTHER SHOT-AND CHEERS..
Wake Up!!!
Man, I passed out early after finishing off the poppers. Woke up before midnight felling pretty good, debated to keep drinking or go to bed. Bed won. Slept a solid 7 hrs and woke up feeling great! And I haven't even had coffee yet!
Doncha hate guys like that? :P
mpicante said:
ok now I need some help,just found out I'm hosting super bowl party!anyone have a good 'POPPER' RECIPE?
Last night's tray was a mix of Santa Fe and grocery store mini-sweet peppers. Stuffed them with Pa. Cream Cheese's Honey and Pecan with a bit of my smoked powder added in. Then after grilling, stuck shards of cooked bacon into the cheese.
Those peppers really don't fit the popper tray so well, so I used toothpicks to join them together to keep them upright.
Note: Forget about the Whipped versions of CC. Who buys air anyway? It's like buying 50/50 antifreeze/water.
Happy New Year!
I thought it would be more....I dunno....exclusive or something.

Then JayT showed up and I thought, "wow, they'll let anyone in here."

From there it was all downhill. :(
It's a good thing I didn't join then, if y'all are bailing out.  Wouldn't want to be associated with a bunch of quitters. 
And that goes for everyone who resolved to stop drinking in 2015!  QUITTERS!!!!
Juar kidding about the drinking thing......ya gotta do what ya gotta do....:cheers:
And the clique takes the ball and goes home. Ok, who had less than 24hrs?
  The winner is... ajdrew!!!
Who's the joker that threw his name in the hat?
   Dunno. Oh well, ajdrew... you just won a years supply of Percodan!!! Hope you get back soon enough to collect your prize.
:clap:  :P 
salsalady said:
It's a good thing I didn't join then, if y'all are bailing out.  Wouldn't want to be associated with a bunch of quitters. 
And that goes for everyone who resolved to stop drinking in 2015!  QUITTERS!!!!
i resolved to only stop drinking after the cooler has been emptied. And only begin drinking again when someone puts in more beer.