Its Time....

Yes, the waiting now sucks.  These guys had a hard start at life.  Firstly I started them indoors, in which most required pruning.  Secondly as I was hardening them off, they were accidentally left outside overnight, in which they were hit by frost, not all but some, again which required some more pruning.  Thirdly, I had no choice but to plant a majority of them in ground in my actual garden, in which I have not planted them before, so I am not sure of the soil and in turn, how they will grow.  But I did however plant a bunch in my raised bed so I should get something out of this.  If all goes well, next year will be even better.
Wow your plants sound like they've had it pretty tough so far.Now you have to try and keep critters and insects off of them!sure seems like Mother Nature has a full arsenal aimed right at pepper plants.
they say it is suppose to be an El Nino summer, the last one i had incredible results.
of course predicting hail season is much harder. i put my tomatoes in ground but peppers have to stay in containers.
good luck.
Thanks all.  Looks like I lost only 1 plant during yesterdays ordeal.  And it was probably done before yesterday too.  I was out of town for a few days and the ol' lady didn't water my plants.  Sad thing is that it is a 'Cherry Hot', my only one, and it has a runt pod just about red, and one full size in transition.  Well, at least I can wait to get seeds for next year.