I’ve Been Pepper Joe’ed!

I ordered several seed varieties from Pepper Joe last season and each produced peppers exactly as described. My experience this year has not been quite as good. I really liked his Thai Sun peppers so I decided to grow them again. This is what grew this year:


Last year they were maybe ½” long and grew straight up. I have already sampled a few this year (green) and the taste and heat are actually very similar to last years. I don’t know if I simply got the wrong seeds or if they are the result of cross pollination. Does anybody recognize them as another variety?

I also ordered his Bhut Jolokia and Giant Bhut Jolukia seeds which I split with a buddy. We each had similar results, only a few of the standard Bhuts germinated and none survived. What he calls the Giant Bhut (from the UNM) is doing OK and is pictured below.


My Scotch Bonnets are coming along.


It’s my first post, sorry if it’s a little unfocused. I’m mostly interested in what you think about the Thai Suns and what’s up with Pepper Joe’s Bhuts.
If you've made sure you kept some pods true and used those seeds then I'd be curious. If you took them from peppers in a garden with insects around i'd say a few crossed and it's not pepper joes fault. This is their 2nd generation with you right? Only you know if you kept some true pods.

did you order seeds again or did you use seeds from last years peppers? if you ordered seeds again my post is irrelevant. Ooopsy :)
Close your eyes when you eat them. :) Its all about the taste and heat. If these are similar but look different I wouldn't be complaining.
If I had ordered the same seed from the same vendor two years in a row and they grew different peppers I'd at least make him aware of it. Either this years or last years were not true.

Good luck.