I've got a fever...

...and the only prescription is MORE HOT SAUCE! :dance:

New guy here, finally decided to jump in head first. My central FL garden has two cayennes, one hab and eight tabascos.

I recently made my first hot sauce/salsa based on a modified recipe from SalsaLady's post #3 in this thread.

Will be making mash for the first time this summer in a variety of fermentation jugs and a small, charred oak barrel. Very excited over the possibilities, and look forward to being part of this community.

:welcome: from Central PA. That recipe idea you used is a good basic one to build on. The resulting sauce for me dropped everyone that had the balls to try it even after seeing others suffer. That was what my buddy wanted and got.
:welcome: from Central PA. That recipe idea you used is a good basic one to build on. The resulting sauce for me dropped everyone that had the balls to try it even after seeing others suffer. That was what my buddy wanted and got.

Thanks for the warm welcome, folks. (no pun intended) Looking forward to sharing some photos and learning from the knowledge base here.
:welcome: from californiaa !
Always good to see new people
if you have a facebook join here http://www.facebook....217248138297198 !
Happy Growing !