• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

ivplay's glog

I probably won't do a full blown grow log, but thought I would post some of the pics from my pepper plants for this year.
Bhut Jolokia pods.  This plant is putting out large amounts of peppers!
Purple Tiger.  These little guys are a bit spicy, but not so much that I can't use them for my friends with lower tolerances.
Says it is a peter pepper.  Not a distinctive shape, if it is.
Trinidad 7-pod.  One lonely pod on this guy so far.
Yellow bhut.  Two pods on so far. 
Red Savina plant.  This one is still growing, but so far so good.
Looking good Mr 4play. Good to see the Masters plants are putting out pods! Hopefully mine aren't too far behind!
That peter pepper really doesn't look much like a penis to me.
I really really love the pic of the first bhuts, based on the way they look alone, 10/10. Super crinkly, pimply, gnarly evil looking bastards. Are they a red, yellow or choc variety?
The first picture is red bhuts.  I am trying to clone that plant with rooting hormone, etc. to get a second one.  I have tried to grow several of them, and this one is by far the most prolific.  If I can keep it going with another clone, that would be great!
Number 3 definitely doesn't look like peter peppers. Number 1 is some wicked looking bhut's though! Evil, nasty looking pods! Good luck on your grow! Being in tropical north Queensland you should be able to grow year round. 
I have friends through work and outside of work that grow peppers all year here in Mackay, and they tell me that the plants typically go well for two or three years before the yields drop off.  I think my bigger concern will be having enough space to grow all the different types of peppers I want.  I have quite a few going now, and still have a growing wish list...  Brain Strain, Bahamian Goat, Fish peppers, etc.  It will be a case of culling the plants to make room, I am guessing.  Not a bad situation to be in, I guess!
Another few pics.  The bhut jolokia has one turning red now, shouldn't be long until I have a bunch of them!  The Trinidad 7-pod is turning colors as well, while the yellow bhut is about the same.  The Red Savina plant is coming on strong, with the help of some compost tea.  I am hoping this is a prolific producer, as the plant looks beautiful!

Red Bhut

Green pods galore on the red bhut,

More green pods on the red bhut; as you can tell, I really love this plant!

Yellow Bhut

Trinidad 7-pod changing colors

And my Red Savina
Thats about it for today.  I will also post another in identifying peppers, as I have a plant that was labelled as a thai chilli when I bought the seeds, but what I have is like no thai chilli I have seen or can find on the web...
DAMN those bhuts are mega gnarly dude! If I was in your position, I would consider making a cloner and cloning that plant. You can definitely get a larger yield that way from a brilliant specimen. You're doing something right dude, keep it up. I might have to look into some compost tea!
Quick update, as the sun was out and I could get a good picture of the bhut.  I love the colors that the pods are putting out.  The bright fire engine red seems to be telling me that there is going to be a fire in my gut in the near future!  The second pic shows the green pods that are still coming along.  The third pic is the ornamental thai chilli that is putting out pods like crazy, as well. The final pic is the one, lone Yellow Trinidad 7-pod I have on the plant right now.  I really like the looks of this one.  The plant has grown a lot of green lately, and hopefully will put out some flowers and pods in the near future.



The word gnarly can't be used enough to describe those pods. If I closed my eyes and imagined the hottest chilli in the world.... there it is.
Sarge said:
The word gnarly can't be used enough to describe those pods. If I closed my eyes and imagined the hottest chilli in the world.... there it is.
Thanks, Sarge.  That is by far my favorite plant in my garden to date, and it is doing very well.  I haven't tried a taste test with a red one yet, but assume it will be hotter than heck.
MeatHead1313 said:
Beautiful looking bhuts ivplay! Definitely look like some scorchers. You tried any yet?
I haven't tried any ripe ones, although I did create a chilli-garlic sauce a few weeks ago that had a green one in it.  The sauce is quite hot, but it could be from the 15 or so habaneros, or the 20-some thai chillis.  I am looking forward to cutting open one of the fire engine red ones.
maximumcapsicum said:
Nice pods! Whatcha planning on making with them?
I don't really have any plans as of yet.  I have a tomato based salsa that I made all the time in the US, and it would make a batch of 20 or so pints after boiling it down.  I would like to do the same here with the different peppers, but it doesn't seem like Australians are too into home canning.  I can't even find mason jars, and the seals for the lids are non-existent.  I will have to do some shopping online and see if I can find anything.  The chilli garlic sauce is good, but I don't think I can use it as fast as this plant is kicking out pods.
Thanks, MT.  I checked Ebay and only found single jar sales, as they use them more for decoration than canning.  However, after your post I looked up Ball Jars Australia, and found their website.  The jars are pretty damned expensive, but I have a bunch that we brought over.  The seals, which is really what I need, are not all that much.  I need to start perusing the recipes and sauces for ideas on what else I can do with the bounty of peppers that are popping up in the garden.  Any suggestions for favorite recipe threads are most welcome.