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Jackass customers

Had another one come into the store today, walk over to MArie Sharp's section and say, "Marie Sharps. I can get this at the Wal-Mart in Folida for $1.50!"

I responde with a slightly seething statement of, "Yep, Wal-Mart's undercutting everyone and that's why we're all going out of business."

He responds back, "Ya I like to buy like twenty at a time, huh huh.", then turns around and walks out (didn't even put the product back on the shelf).

I almost wanted to say, "Thanks for not shopping local and helping in the ruination of country!!" as he walked out...

What a jackass....
I hate wallmart. They treat employees like crap and is probably the biggest un american company in the US. They almost NEVER hire an employee full time because benefits cost too much so they just hire "temps" and let them go when they have worked too long so the buyer can save a few bucks.

It's no wonder they are on the hook for 640 MILLION in law suits relating to employment and labor issues. WALLMART IS EVIL
It's their right to operate in the free market and do what they do to cut prices as long as it's legal. Hiring people at 30 hrs. instead of 40 hrs. to avoid paying benefits is their right. The employees have the right to go work someplace else. Quit blaming Wal-Mart lol.
The Evil article notes that Wally World employs 1.4 million in the US. Having been to numerous stores and seen for myself, I reckon 100% are happy to have a job at all as many have few if any skills, little education and in some cases, are unsuitable for any other job. Wally World does all right by me. Further, if you look into some of these class action suits, employees seldom if ever reap any benefits from a positive outcome from such suits. The lawyers on the other hand..... Being a successful company also means being a very large target.

Salute', TB.
I choose not to shop there. I'm still worried that Obese, Inbred, and White Trash are contagious, and don't want to catch them at my local establishment. Seriously.
Well, I may draw some fire for this one, but I shop there periodically for a range of things. Last weekend, I bought some work clothes (shorts and tees) as I only ruin them and figure it's better to buy them cheap. I also pick up pantry items, dry goods, and occasionally some groceries. I do support local business by stopping at roadside stands and the local farmer's market for produce weekly. I go to a butcher shop for meat, a local fish monger, and a grocery store that is part of the family owned group of grocery stores in my area. I basically buy where I can get a good product cheap. I do know of the problems that people have with Wal Mart, but I don't let it stop me from going there from time to time. In fact I know someone that works there as a stocker an loves it. Also, where would all those barely breathing, possibly retarded 80 year old greeters work if there was no Wal Mart? Another thought, many of them are there because they need work since their company for which they worked for 35 years let them go due to downsizing. Just my opinion.
Every time i get the "i can get it at Wal-Mart for so and so" line all i ever say is "A)This is NOT Wal-Mart and B) why are you here?".
I'm definitely not a Wal-Mart hater - I do shop there from time to time. But I fully believe in supporting the "little guy" whenever I can by shopping at the mom and pop or specialty stores.

What I hate about Wal-Mart are the customers. 75% of them are the biggest, dumbest, knuckle-dragging, mouth-breathing idiots I've ever seen. I'd rather pay a few bucks extra elsewhere than to have to deal with navigating my shopping cart around them.
There's certain things you should buy from WalMart. Such as: light bulbs, cheap clothes (i don't do this however), deodorant, snack foods, or a roll of film.

What you should not buy at WalMart: Real food, anything sold in a specialty shop.

I will go there for soap, water filters, maybe a cheap frying pan. I know not to buy my meats there, garden supplies, hot sauce, etc. When it's feasible, you should always support the little guy. Unless of course the little guy is charging a ridiculous markup.

Still, the OP is right. That customer is a dick. You know he was just one of the tools you never want shopping there anyway.
Scott Roberts said:
What I hate about Wal-Mart are the customers. 75% of them are the biggest, dumbest, knuckle-dragging, mouth-breathing idiots I've ever seen. I'd rather pay a few bucks extra elsewhere than to have to deal with navigating my shopping cart around them.
You are correct. Or how about the receipt nazi by the exit at some of them? I never show them my receipt unless i'm with my girl. I know i didn't steal anything and so do the security cameras. Why should i show you my receipt? lame.
texas blues said:
The Evil article notes that Wally World employs 1.4 million in the US. Having been to numerous stores and seen for myself, I reckon 100% are happy to have a job at all as many have few if any skills, little education and in some cases, are unsuitable for any other job. Wally World does all right by me.
Salute', TB.

You don't seem to realize that they are not employing 1.4 million that where previously unemployed that are undercutting all other companies that actually PROVIDED benefits, daycare, retirement, and education reimbursement training to the same type of lower class people. However now that these smaller and medium sized stores a that used to do a lot better for the same people are no longer around. Now the same people that used to have benefits and other standard American perks are forced to work for wall mart because they have no choice. I agree Wal-Mart has the right to work around the law and treat employees one step above slave labor, but as Americans we have the right to not shop from them. Unfortunately it's the ignorant under educated Americans that don't realize that it's own people are being reverted back into slave labor by wall mart and continue to shop there. It's this type of ignorance that has ruined the auto-industry, housing industry, manufacturing industry, for America and has allowed countries like china and Japan to come in and take over American industries and soon to be America itself.
I'm with THP on this one...if you don't like it, then don't shop there...it is their right under business laws to perform their business a way that brings the most profit for it's share-holders...
fineexampl said:
You are correct. Or how about the receipt nazi by the exit at some of them? I never show them my receipt unless i'm with my girl. I know i didn't steal anything and so do the security cameras. Why should i show you my receipt? lame.

Ok, I just researched this for the past 2 hours. It turns out unless they display their terms at the front enterance (ie: you must show your recipt to get out of this hell hole of a store) or they are a membership only club (ie: Sams Club) they have the right to ask for you recipt. However, you have the right to say no and there is nothing they can do to you. If they do, it's unlawful detainer (completely different than an unlawful retainer which is where you get dental work done outside of the country for cheap)/ citizins arrest in which you can sue the pants off the company.

Now that I have the full knowledge of my rights on the subject behind me, I'm even more dangerous to the recipt nazis....mwahahahahaa :hell:
imaguitargod said:
Now that I have the full knowledge of my rights on the subject behind me, I'm even more dangerous to the recipt nazis....mwahahahahaa :hell:

Oh jeez leave the old ladies alone, dude.
sometimes you are heartless Iggy... ;)
AlabamaJack said:
sometimes you are heartless Iggy... ;)
AJ you are so wrong. Take out the word sometimes ;)