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JayT's Superhot Chili (with some help from AJ)

I cannot wait until tomorrow. I will be making a big pot of superhot chili. I have been compiling the ingredients for a couple of weeks and now the time is here. My friend AJ has generously sent me a care package of his superhots (7-Pot Red and Yellow, Dorset Naga, Chocolate Hab, Scorpion, Red Savina, etc etc) as a way of giving me seeds and I plan to finish deseeding them today and use the remains (after I taste them all) in my huge pot of chili. I have a wonderful beer Troeg's Dead Reckoning Porter, and a nice mix of meats hot kielbasa, smoked sausage, ground venison, and moose tenderloin tips. I also plan to mix up a special chile powder fresh for this one. Throw in some onion, tomato, and a mix of beans (I know some people will scoff, but hey, it's my chili!) and I will have a serious party going on here tomorrow afternoon! :onfire:
JayT...as you can see from one of my Pepper ID threads...the little oval shaped ones are "heart of chicken" that Talas hit on the head..it was a portuguese name and literally translates into english as "heart of chicken"...don't ask me if they are chicken hearts 'cause I don't know...