event Jungle Jim's 2rd Annual Weekend of Fire

imaguitargod said:
I still deny drinking it.....but if I were to drink it the reason why would be it was free....

OooOOOOoH really? Hmmmm, seems like I remember you stuffin' dolla bills into my pocket for PBR's. I tried to give them to ya, but nooo, you demanded to pay. :cheers:
[quote name='Cap'n Bones']OooOOOOoH really? Hmmmm, seems like I remember you stuffin' dolla bills into my pocket for PBR's. I tried to give them to ya, but nooo, you demanded to pay. :cheers:[/QUOTE]

Welll....I...ah....uhhh...no I ....ummm....LOOK! A PIE!
He just wanted to get in your pants.
Yo Passow can you email the pix? I'll put them on MySpace.
If you guys go over to The Hot Zone Online, I've got the first part of the review up (can't post them all here, it's taken me forever just to do the article)....I will post some exclusive pics here in a few days.

thehotpepper.com said:
Yo Passow can you email the pix? I'll put them on MySpace.
Which pic?
Here's a few THP Exclussive pics:

Acting just like you would expect me too at the Blogger Booth:

Defcon at the Deathmatch:
imaguitargod said:
Only because they are the right size. I think Cap'ns the same waiste size and length as me. 30-32.

Well, maybe the waist size is the same, but I'd probably have to argue about the length because I'm sure that there is no comparison. :cool:
Hot Canuck said:
Iggy - who designs your outfits,Hawkeye Pierce???
That got me laughing(I love M*A*S*H*). The Hawaiian shirt is one of my staples. They are comfortable, light weight, easy to pack, go with anything, and are groovy to look at not to mention completly out of date and tacky.
At CaJohn's we got to go up to the second floor (a select few that is)...here's something we found:

The World's largest bottle of 10 from CaJohns, wouldn't this be a bitch to shake up for every use?