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Just Got Some Pepper Powder

Hello everyone. Recently, I have received some pepper powder. Scotch Bonnet Red & Yellow, Chimayo + Pulla, Super Chili, Bhut Jolokia, Douglah, and Bhut Jolokia Yellow Cross. I'm not really sure how to start. I'm just a kid, and I don't usually eat things that are really hot, but I love the taste of peppers so far. Can anybody share their thoughts or stories of how they started?
My advice is take it slowly. Try not to jump straight straight to the superhots, like bhuts and 7pods. I have been enjoying peppers for many years. Last year was the first time I had a superhot and I was surprised by how hot a superhot actually is. Since you have powders, you can try a small amount to get a handle on the heat and flavor and build up from there.
Welcome to the forum!

Those are some pretty yummy peppers you have to play with.

I'm not really sure what your question is, maybe how folks got started eating hot foods?

For myself, I didn't start eating or using chiles of any kind until I was about 35 years old. (that was just a couple years ago... ;) )

Our flavor palette growing up was Meat-and-potatoes. My dad wouldn't even eat salad dressing, onions or garlic...let alone a chile pepper in any way, shape or form! And a sibling of mine...each food item goes on the plate but they can't touch or mix together. A bite of the potatoes with butter, a bite of meat, a bite of green beans, and definitely do not smear them all together with gravy!

The way my hubby, my son and I eat now is not even close to that blsnd childhood.

Glad to hear you are looking for the flavors. For the heat, as others have said, start easy and work your way up. There ar already a couple youngsters on here who eat the heat.

Welcome Again!

PS- I'm sending you a PM-private message- let me know if you can't figure out how to retrieve the message.
Welcome to the forum!

Those are some pretty yummy peppers you have to play with.

I'm not really sure what your question is, maybe how folks got started eating hot foods?

For myself, I didn't start eating or using chiles of any kind until I was about 35 years old. (that was just a couple years ago... ;) )

Our flavor palette growing up was Meat-and-potatoes. My dad wouldn't even eat salad dressing, onions or garlic...let alone a chile pepper in any way, shape or form! And a sibling of mine...each food item goes on the plate but they can't touch or mix together. A bite of the potatoes with butter, a bite of meat, a bite of green beans, and definitely do not smear them all together with gravy!

The way my hubby, my son and I eat now is not even close to that blsnd childhood.

Glad to hear you are looking for the flavors. For the heat, as others have said, start easy and work your way up. There ar already a couple youngsters on here who eat the heat.

Welcome Again!

PS- I'm sending you a PM-private message- let me know if you can't figure out how to retrieve the message.
I got the PM ;) . These forums are so friendly! I was kind of surprised to receive the REALLY hot pepper powders, but I may be able to use them someday (if they don't go bad)...when do they go bad?
when do they go bad?

put your powders assuming that they are in ziplock baggies or bottles/shakers, put them in a larger ziplock baggy with some silica gel to keep moisture and air away. that should help preserving them. keep it away from direct sunlight also.
put your powders assuming that they are in ziplock baggies or bottles/shakers, put them in a larger ziplock baggy with some silica gel to keep moisture and air away. that should help preserving them. keep it away from direct sunlight also.
K, thanks for the information :) .
I started with making burger patties with Jolokia and 7 pot powder. Then pizza sauce and even sprinkled it on a latte :) You soon learn to respect the heat when making patties and the like. Now I grow my own super hots and make my own sauces. In fact, I cannot see why you cannot make hot sauces from the powders anyway. First patties I made were so damn hot I burnt my nose, cheeks, ears... somehow between making it and trying to eat it the heat got everywhere!

I also use a small hand full of un cooked rice grains in a bag with the powder. It helps in keeping any moisture levels down.