• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Justaguy's 2012 Garden Season

Coming from 2011

About a month earlier then last year and this year I have a place in case I need to pot up.

First I got the germ bed set up and temps stabilized. Left to right go 82° - 87° - 83°


Next I took my old light racks


Slid one over and added a double


Then added a new bulb that hits 6500K to each side to go with the ones from last year


I have to get the bottom shelf done and then i will put up pics to show how the 2 lights differ and IMO will be good.

This year I will have less total plants, but more varieties. Lord please save me from this addiction. :rofl:

Initially I plan on 123 in ground and 25 in containers(some to be given away)

25 varieties, 27 strains total. Basically 3 strains of T.S., so 25 varieties.

-Naga Morich/Red 7Pot Cross
-Yellow 7Pot
-Naga Jolokia
-Chocolate Habanero
-Thai Variegated
-Pequin Chiapas
-Brain Strain
-Thai Fire
-Indonesian Chile
-Mystery Seeds from Patrick
-Yellow Scorpion
-Caribbean Red Habanero
-Jimmy Nardello(sweet)
-Bhut Jolokia(Starting for Melium not for my garden)
-Cumari Do Para
-Naga Morich
-Possible Cross # 3
-Red Savina/Fatalii Cross
-Cumari Ou Passarinho
-Trinidad Scorpion "Butch T" from Alphaeon
-Trinidad Scorpion Mouroga from Pepp3rfreak
-Trinidad Scorpion from pods bought from A.J.
-Black Thai

At a later time I will try to update this list with who they came from if not from my seed stock, the number I plan on planting, and the number I put in to germinate. To be safe I am planning on dropping double in for germination so I will most likely be sending out sprouts again this year.
bamboo looks like something out of an old Vietnam movie...............pungi sticks, booby traps for the pepper thieves.
That was last year's garden early and I........
Was thinking of setting up High Precision EXTREME Non-parachute Skydiving ....... Best accuracy wins and their surviving family receives free hot sauce for life.

Think NBC or FOX might pick it up?

Looks good Brian! Sorry I didn't get down there to see you and get some stuff.....I have been busy trying to get our yard in order NOW, so we can chill this summer. If you have anything left over, just let me know and I will do my very best to get down to see you this coming week.
No worries on not making it down. All the ones left are earmarked for the neighborhood yardsale.

Because I am a NOOB, and still learning, what is a F1/F2? I know it has to do with cross breeding plants but not sure what makes a F1 or F2.

F=generation. So F2 is second gen cross.

Ahhhh. Cool, thanks!
Thanks bamaboy for checking out my garden thread.
Thanks Matt for fielding that question. Been a busy week, but then again when isn't it.

Let's get to nymphin!!!!! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

He crawled on my hand while I was 20 foot up in my Maple getting a branch untangled. It is the first one I have seen in person and probably would have been smooshed had I not seen pics of them on this great forum. He is now in the front flower bed in the heavy foliage.

What???????????????? Are you trying to say there aren't male ladybugs????? :rofl:
Wow I need to start posting more, but My Content is currently at 2.5 pages of unread. :rofl:

Today I found these on some Brain Strains. I have been going through every day or so and removing anything like this but I am tired of it. Have seen it on several plants in different gardens not just the one.

I was thinking about polluting the the forum with another "What is this spot?" thread, but a lot of good people follow here, so............?

It doesn't look quite like what I had. Mine was really bad on the underside of the leaves and then the top of the leaves went to hell. I'm guessing that it may be some kind of fungal thing with the weather we've been having.

I hope. Will just keep pruning them as I see them. I am leaning towards the rain during the day and how the water likes to pool right on the edges, then sunlight.

Thanks for the pic example.
I hope. Will just keep pruning them as I see them. I am leaning towards the rain during the day and how the water likes to pool right on the edges, then sunlight.

Thanks for the pic example.

I've got the same thing going on here in Mifflin County. With all this rain, bacterial leaf spot and similar foliar diseases are running rampant.
Similar symptoms on my leaves and out in the wild on the mountain. We had an unfortunate run of rain and rain and warm and humid, so I'm fairly certain it's bacspot or similar. Tried the suggestion of 0.2% hydrogen peroxide (1 TBSP 3% H2O2 per 8 oz water) and sprayed down three test plants that were worst affected. Looks like it stopped it but I will spray em again before sun-up tomorrow morning. All new growth looks fine on those plants.

Got my fingers crossed!
Update Time

Well after pruning some yesterday I remembered I needed to leave them alone for picture day.

Yesterday we got terrential downpours. I hope it gets all sunny for a good stretch. Here are more shots. Some are of the little sweat bee-like bugs that are in the garden. Also have a lot of little gnat like bugs flying around too, but I think both are due to the increased moisture?????

Also they got a heavy MG feeding Sunday. Just got some new more natural go-go juice for them so that will most likely be the last MG they taste.

Here are some in the Fatalii Bed


This Fatalii has some new growth being affected


Now to the back gardens






.....need a poster.....brb....TO THE CHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for the post USMC




They are actually looking better then they were a few days ago so the pruning must have helped some but I still see room for improvement.

Now for some good update pics

We have Nardssssssssssss


Very back right to the left of the brick path. He is the one in the last to pics

Overviews in the Back


And we have Crossessssss. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


Ok update done. Ideas always appreciated. Thinking patience may be all I need.
Patience is a virture. With those plants that have the curled up black edges and tips that are touching new and surrounding growth, its a good idea to go ahead and prune those at the leaf stem. This way when new good growth heads into that direction it won't touch the affected parts. :) Looks good though man! Keep it up
Plants are looking good brohamulus! I think all this rain and the warmer winter is playing havoc on our plants. Are you having the slug problems like I am here?