overwintering Keeping a mature Ghost pepper indoor this winter.

Hi all!
This summer I growing a ghost pepper plant outside, the plant is about 3 feet cube.
I would like to keep it inside this winter.
This will be my first ever experience, I currently do not have any equipment.
I need advice to what I need to buy.
First thing: Is it possible to keep growing this plant indoor with a maximum of 200 watt of electricity?
Above that the electricity bill will be too much and I think it's not really worth it for 1 plant.
The plant will be in the basement where will be no natural light.
Temp will be constant at about 20-21 deg. celcius.
Here is what I'm looking for:
Sunblaster 4x 4' T5HO with white reflector: (about 216 watt)
Is this placed few inches above the plants enough light to keep it growing?

Another option is to use 4x 3' T5HO with nanotech reflector: 156 watt
will produce less light than the above configuration since they are 3' but maybe the sunblaster nanotech reflector will compensate.
There is also the possibility to place each bulb where I want. I don't know If it's a good idea to place each bulb vertically at one side of the plan?

Thanks for any help and sorry for my poor English.
if you make a mistake, your biggest mistake will be overwatering. regardless of lighting, you need air movement and even with that, root rot can set in. my advice - don't overwater.  a dry surface doesn't mean a dry bucket interior.
good luck.
Thank you, i will be careful about watering, i have a plant moisture meter that i will use and i think i will transfert my pepper into a Smart Pot that should help avoiding root rot.
As for lightning is the first post lightning enought for growing my mature plant inside? I don't want to invest for nothing.
Yes it's enough to minimize leaf drop (not as bright as full summer sun) but there isn't any need to buy expensive lighting fixtures.  Standard 4 foot, T8 fixtures are pretty inexpensive at local hardware stores then pick bulbs with good spectrum for plants and surround the area with reflective panels or curtains to minimize light loss.  For example reflective metallic emergency blankets are very cost effective though the cheaper ones may benefit from being double layered to reflect more light.
Thank you, so it will be enought light. But it is just enought to keep the plant alive? Or it will be enought to have some pepper production?
For the moment my plant is just next to a window, i have a lot of flower drop.. maybe not enought light.
Here is my Ghost pepper plant:
You're going to have flower drop inside, not enough wind or insects to pollinate them.   Overwintering is more about keeping them alive till they go outside next spring and finishing up growth and ripening of existing pods.