pests Keeping Indoor plants bug FREE!?

Hey guys,
I am sure this has been discussed a bit over the years but I am looking to start (yes now in early August) an Aji Lemon, or Fatalli plant to keep on my desk as a house plant ( south window probably 3-6 hours of sun a day ).
I am aware that it takes excessive dedication and the PERFECT conditions to get indoor plants to fruit and if i don't get any fruit i'm ok with that, as its more for fun and something to watch grow inside.
That being said is there any way to ensure your plants will be completely bug free? or is that a pipe dream?
I have heard of baking your soil at a certain temp before potting, using water from the tap instead of rain barrel water, ect.
Does anyone have any other tips to try and avoid any pest problems on a desktop grow as I would rather not have thrips and mites and aphids crawling around my desk ( I have a small bonzai from Costco on my desk and have never had any pests on it)?
***Mods thanks for taking care of my multi post fail (internet sucks and I am not patient lesson learned)
i'm not sure but i have a similar question, I'm wondering if you grow in a greenhouse if there is a way to minimize pests or eliminate them all together. I'm sure the answers will help both of us.
I know that microwaving or baking your soil prior to use will kill any fungus gnats or other soil borne pests that hitchhike in from the store.
it really does not come down to the "perfect conditions" you speak of, rather, when winter comes the plant will kinda go hybernate due to the lack of sun. But last year (my first year growing) I started in july and got a harvest
I've read some here on THP fumigate their plants before bringing them inside.
Take one of those Hot Shot pest strips and put it into a small plastic container (old margarine container, etc) and punch a few holes in the top. Place at the base of the plant and cover the entire plant and pot with a garbage bag. Leave for maybe 5 or 10 mins and the fumes should kill anything and everything. I've never tried it myself but might this year. Had a massive infestation on my ows this year that I fought all winter long and never won until they went outside in the spring.
This season I started all my plants indoors in sept of 2014 from seed, I had no pest in the grow room until about January I noticed there were a couple aphids on a plant leaves. I never brought a plant or pets in, but they got in. I managed them by squishing and i never had to kill more but 25.

Unless you have extreme measures, I think they can get in whether it's wind or hitch hiking a ride on a fly.
I misread your post. I thought you were bringing a plant you had been growing outside indoors for the winter.
I started my 400 palnts indoors the 1st week of Feb and had 0 bugs. I use Promix for the trays/cups. I made sure the bag I bought had no holes and was still vacuum sealed. Figured no holes less chance bugs would be inside. Washed everything that wasn't brand new thoroughly with bleach/water solution. You can put play sand or perlite on top of the soil to discourage fungus gnats from laying eggs. Bottom watering is also said to help.