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Keeping them in check.............

Hello everyone,

I know that the discussion of politics is not proper protocol in the forums, however there comes a time when certain events that occur are so reprehensible they need to be brought to light in every an any public forum, it is the civic duty of all humanity, regardless of the form of government they lay siege under.

I would like everyone to let the last 5 words of the previous paragraph be etched in their minds for what I'm about to discuss is not about Democrats or Republicans, its about the forces that control them. I've been following politics since I was 12 yrs old when I received my citizenship merritt badges in boy scouts, my first presidential election that i remember following was Carter vs Ford 1976. Within this post I may present information that you all are familiar with, I hope this is the case, however I have 2 stories that you may find very interesting.

I'm sure everyone is aware of the current financial crisis that is being touted on the hill that requires a fix of 700 billion dollars by today or the world economy would plummet like a Canadian Goose shot by Rabbit (lol). Anybody notice the DOW today ( up 121) . Did anyone hear where 20% of that 700 billion was going to go, or another 55 billion, an another 60 billion. It aint going to the banks. This is an outrage which is over shadowed by an even bigger outrage which is main stream media (abc, nbc & cbs) which were there to cover this looming financial crisis yet refuses to report how the crisis evolved.

Freedom of the press was enacted to ensure that the masses of a society were kept abreast of the milestones of achievement within that society, ( which is now the entire world) and the forces of corruption which try to squelch such milestones. I'll give you three examples in three different post since I realize long posts can turn into a snooze fest, and its friday night, I have 1 smoke left and no beer. The posts will be titled as follows:

1. R-12,Du Pont and the word Ozone 1990 to 1999
2. Global warming and the future tax on water.
3. Norway, Hydrogen energy & Stan Meyer

4. The Adolf Hitler/ Britney Spears connection ( ok, I don,t really have a lot of info on this one so I'll make something up, somehow I'll make it relevant to hot stuff.)

I'm not looking for debate, I just hope you find it interesting since I have and I feel some of this should be reported by our friends in the press.