• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

KiNGDeNNiZ's 2013 still with a few healthy plants and pods

so last years grow came with ups.. and a LOT of downs....but it shall not slow me down... since being introduced to the AEROGARDEN (thanks alot PINOYPRIDE) i have yet to stop sowing seeds... so my early starts have already began for next year... i will do my best to label and keep track....Aerogarden #1---sowed 11/6/121Red FDA SB ( PIC1-seeds from this years pods)2. Red FDA SB ( PIC1-seeds from this years pods)3. Red FDA SB ( PIC1-seeds from this years pods)4.5. Mustard Habanero (seeds from Pulpiteers pods)6. Fatalii-yellow (seeds from JAGs pods)7. Mustard Habanero (seeds from Pulpiteers pods)Aerogarden #2 sowed 11/01/121. Bubblegum 7 pot---- Slater1980 0/22. Malaysian goronong (tucabil) 0/33, Red Brain strain (romy6) 1/34. Jamaican Scotch bonnet (midwestchilihead) 0/25. Scotch Bonnet (jamison) 0/26. Mustard Habanero (bakers creek-rareseeds.com) 2/37. Red FDA SB ( PIC1-seeds from this years pods)Aero garden #3---sowed 10/30/12--- intially seeds thrown in soil then moved to aeropods 11/51-6----. Fatalii-yellow (seeds from JAGs pods) 6/6more pics and updates to follow
as you can see in the aerogarden... that lil clear cup was filled with about 20 seeds from JAGs fataliis.. =Dits only been 11 hrs.. and it already looks like this...alakan humus...alfalfa... worm castings.... molasses...mushroom compost...and mycoblast packet
also will take a chance on cloning... thanks to PaulG and other thread who did cloning..
this reaper was dampening in my aero.. so i snipped it...dipped in in rooting hormone (MG)the healthier reaper i moved from aero - soil due to aphid infestation
will find a way to utilize all these goodies from the indoor garden expo
who needs some pectin.. i scored all these at $.54ea due to albertsons grocery closing..
this hot sauce thing is kinda fun... although the jelly seems easier
and with regards to HOW young is too young to start them with peppers... heres my answer.. 4 years old
Nice score on the Manzanos DeNNiZ! Glad to see you're getting ready for summer heat with the frame for shadecloth... how much longer before you'll need it?
may need it or tomorrow and Friday as it will be 92. Plants in ground are getting full sun. But not yet at 90 temps.

I second that on the Manzanos! Wow, you can just get those from a nursery? Nice. Also, I think you're peppers are going to get big enough you won't be able to walk down that garden plot you have...

There's a nursery about 30 mins away. 2 mins from my dentist. Was glad to pick them up and at $3.50. For 6. Couldn't resist

Hope I have that problem.

Glad to see I'm not the only one that threatens them with a can of gasoline! Lookin good Denniz!

Intimidation works well. Last year. Unused aquanet and a lighter to torch them.
a month ago i gave my buddy who is now a bornagain Chilihead some plants---billy boy douglah reds..and yellows.. some billy boy jonah.. cuphetinhos ..and fataliis ===fataliis are the two tiny ones that look like crap

i did some repotting myself.. from SOLOS to 1gal growbags

OW red manzano in #15--with flowers and a few pods

nursery bought manzanos reds and yellows...-- loving their new 1gal homes

Fresnos and Bell Peppers for the wife---also in the photo is the BIRGIT LOCOTO

MoAs in their new homes

big boys that can take the heat

and the ones that cant....

the currants behind the fresnos

some GHANA treasures... lost all the labels.. ARRRGHHH....

needing a bump pplease
last batch of SOLO cupped peppers


the RENNIE's "wild picked seeds" and from TEX16's 2012 grow

harold st barts... SPICEGEIST crosses.. RED FATALIIs.. MANZANOs

pimiente de neyde

MELISSA's "nagabrains"

Gochu's with pod.. and the other turned out to be some cross with a jalapeno possibly according to RICK

maybe another bump?
yellow brain (thanks shane)

Red Brain

nursery fataliis

Peach TS

in ground reaper

Mustard Habanero (bakers creek)

28 plants ( seedlings and OW) loving the sun.. gets about 4-6hrs of sun


tomatoes and eggplants for Melissa77754

Loquat(japanese plum) full of fruit

the one to the LEFT is a CHERRY tree that has not fruited... what are we doing wrong.. does it need a companion cherry tree... this year theres no flowers...

pomegranates loaded with flowers
Cool deal on the manzanos!

Lots of neat things you got growing there--- and the peppers too. All those fruit trees- how cool is that?
Sweet! Getting a little trigger happy with that camera! Everything looking wonderific! What type of tomato did you give me???
Everything's looking great!

Sweet Cherries need a companion, the tart varieties are supposed to be self pollinating.

I tried to grow cherries here and didn't have any luck, the drought didn't help...they became kindling...
Your plants look huge already. You've taken container gardening to the next level! Sucks about your cherry tree. I've heard sweet cherries won't bloom if the winter is too warm or cold, or if they start to bud and then freeze. They're pretty finicky compared to sour or blossom cherries. Hope you get fruit next year. The rest of your garden/orchard looks badass!
Looking great. That's a lot of plants. Some of them are getting really huge.

How many are you going to put in ground vs keep in containers?
Your not kidding a plantation man! Holy jeez. So many healthy looking plants. I see you been topping too. The cherry tree might not be able to self pollinate. Might need a companion tree like you said. Don't know much about em but I know a lot of apple trees are that way. Keep up the monster garden Denniz, things are gonna be loaded down with pods bro!
You weren't joking man. It looks like you are coverd on all fronts! Fruit, peppers, tomatoes, and plenty of pictures to show for it!

Gonna be a great season for you man.
Love the fruit tree shots! Your pepper plants look beautiful too btw.

I've heard cherry trees are fairly picky and get sick easily. I have not grown them myself though. It seems like it should flower if healthy - the need for pollinator would only affect the fruit, right?
Looking great, King! Awesome to see the baby mantis...hoping for many more for ya. Nice score on the Manzanos, and the OW in the 15 gal looks awesome. You have lots of plants and they all look very healthy. Great varieties, too! You are going to be doing the backstroke in pods, my friend. Very nice! Keep it up at KD Plantation!