Larva on my peppers, now what....?!?!

Yesterday I treated my plants for mites with Bonide Orchard Spray. Today while inspecting the leaves for mites, I ran across some of these larvas on my pepperoncini peppers. They are small yellow /orangy larvas.
Any help?

I was using mosquito dunks before and stopped. Will these help?
here is one more pic, the larva i am refering to are the yellow dots near the base of the stem.

In the first pic they are at the base of the stem as well. very small but they are there and on many peppers.
 Well bonide orchard spray  will not kill mites in my limited experience. Try using wet-table sulfur. As for the pic I do not see any larvae either? 
I'm staying with my initial guess of thrips. Lacewing larvae take care of mine, but I never spray so I've go a whole ecosystem going. I'm sure somebody else can give you a recommendation on a pesticide.
theghostpepperstore said:
Azamax, Pyrethrin, ladybugs or the Bonide orchard spray. I find thrips to be more easily managed than aphids or mites. Most bug sprays will work on them.
Thanks. Bonide has worked for me in the past. It is my first time growing peppers, so when I saw the buggers on the actual fruit I got paranoid. Them pepperoncinis are getting nice and it would be a shame to loose them.
Just a question / concern.. The bonide says its safe to spray up to one day before harvest (and is all natural). Is it safe to harvest fruits one day after spraying ? 
I can't speak for the safety of the Bonide spray since I have never used it personally. I don't spray anything, organic, natural or otherwise, within 3 days of harvesting. All of the sprays I use are organic, but 3 days makes me feel more comfortable. That is something you are going to have to decide for yourself, how safe you feel with it. There probably won't be a definitive answer on its safety.
theghostpepperstore said:
I can't speak for the safety of the Bonide spray since I have never used it personally. I don't spray anything, organic, natural or otherwise, within 3 days of harvesting. All of the sprays I use are organic, but 3 days makes me feel more comfortable. That is something you are going to have to decide for yourself, how safe you feel with it. There probably won't be a definitive answer on its safety.
+1 on the 3 days... For peace of mind

Yup, those would be the ones... There are some darker brown/black ones as well but a bit longer. Anywhoo, it looks like the bonide is working. It has in the past. I guess it shows that i should be more pro active with bug infestation and not wait until there is a problem.

