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Last batch came out too hot. How do I mellow it out?

This last batch came out blazing, not sure why. How do I mellow it out without using fruit or sweeteners? It was not a ferment. Basic ingredients 410 g of smoked cayenne, 150 g garlic, 205 g of onion, a single 7 pot primo, 3 cups water, 1 1/2 cups cider vinegar and a tablespoon of honey. Thanks in advance.
neoguy said:
This last batch came out blazing, not sure why. How do I mellow it out without using fruit or sweeteners? It was not a ferment. Basic ingredients 410 g of smoked cayenne, 150 g garlic, 205 g of onion, a single 7 pot primo, 3 cups water, 1 1/2 cups cider vinegar and a tablespoon of honey. Thanks in advance.
If you do not want to use sweeteners add in some sweet peppers. I personally would add in some nice clover honey.
I'd just bottle and leave it. I've found all my sauces taste much hotter when freshly made than after a few days in the bottle. I tried to make a stupid hot sauce using 15 krakens (over 6 bottles) and it was terrible in the pot but absolutely fine out of the bottle.