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Le Grande Patty Melt with Habanero Mushroom-Onion Gravy

Yeah, I was hungry...

First, a giant hunk of lean hamburger, laced with S&P, hab powder and Worcestershire.

Cooked to just about medium-well.


Then the fixin's: onions, mushrooms, orange hab, and Mozz.


Took off the burger and set aside to rest and topped it with the cheese.

Corralled the veggies into the burger grease with a shot of Vino, a sprinkle of chile powder, the obligatory sea salt + lots of black pepper and granulated garlic and let it cook a minute.


Then, used flour and beef stock to turn it into a nice rich gravy...


Next up...the p0wnage...

I would have dusted the beef with seasoned flour and pan fried it for a little extra decadence.:cheers:

It gives the gravy more texture to stick to too!

Not a criticism, still an epic WIN, just a thought for next time!!

And I am with Mrs TB, I would rather have 15 or so little ones than 1 big meatloaf!