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Leaf curl?

Hi there

This is my first post here (I've been lurking for a while). It's also my first year growing.

The leaves on some of my Caballo seedlings are turning a lighter colour and curling down (see pics below). After reading a few threads/articles I have started mixing epsom salts in with the water when watering, but that doesn't seem to be helping the problem. Every thread I find on leaf curl is on older plants so I'm having a hard time matching my problem to the ones on here.

Can anyone help?




The new growth looks healthy and green.......... :) , but your soil looks a bit saturated. I don't know how your feading your plants, but what I'd suggest if your using Epsom Salts you may want to spray the foliage with a misting bottle, not saturate the soil....that's how I apply it when necessary...

Thanks for the replies.

I could well be over-watering, I will water less over the next fortnight and see what happens. My soil mix is just regular organic potting mix from the garden centre, I germinated the seeds in jiffy pellets so there is also some peat in there.

that's not leaf curl, that's wilting.

Why do plants wilt? Not enough water, or heat/sun drying leaves out.
If you plants are well watered and not under heat/sun, that means the roots aren't working to take up moisture. Fungus, disease, nematodes etc attacking the roots could cause your problems.

Probably kept to wet and now the roots are rotted. When potting up after the nannying stage, best keep them drier to prevent disease and other things that will rot out the roots. Add plenty of perlite to lighten the mix and improve drainage, and also not to water them so much. They should be of a size after potting up that they can survive the odd drying out.
I'm pretty certain I have been over-watering then.

Also, you mention about heat/sun. I have my seedlings in a little plastic greenhouse. It only receives direct sunlight until around 10am and I keep the front fully open during the day (approx 7.30am - 7pm). It doesn't seem to get too hot in there, just slightly warmer than outside and protected from the wind. Maybe I should bring them fully outside during the day and just put in the greenhouse at night?

Where the green house is positioned it only receives direct sun until around 10am, so it doesn't get that hot. I keep the plants on the bottom 2 shelves where it is cooler with the front open during the day. It acts as a wind break more than anything.
Yeah, maybe they could be a little too sheltered. Auckland gets some pretty strong gusts of wind during spring though so they need some kind of protection.

I have laid off the watering for a couple of days and the new growth is looking healthier already.

Cheers :)
So after a couple of weeks of less watering the wilted leaves have dropped off and new healthy growth is abundant :)

Thanks for taking the time to help out a novice.
