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Led Zeppelin stole Stairway Intro?

It's been all over the news this morning, big law suite on behalf of the original writer's, deceased, family who are suing Led Zeppelin.
wow sure took um long enough to catch up to him about this ??, sure sounds like all of a sudden someone needs money do ya think?? threres no statute of limitations on such things as this are there?? if he did steal it ok well and good but if this person suing cant prove it there gonna look like a fool,i kinda liked LED ZEPP but it wont change a thing either way that group and song have become timeless!! but ya got to admit i listened to it a it does sound like stairway!!
still all sounds a bit ridiculous if you ask me :rolleyes:
thanks your friend Joe

But that doesn't take away from the fact that they rock these songs.
I hear the same notes from the same scale in the same key but i don't hear stairway sorry. Im not saying they didn't steal anything or have outside influence god for bid. 
So the family has escaped hearing stairway this whole time? amazing.
To me the solos from metallica sanitarium and tom petty running down a dream are almost exact at one point for a few measures but i still don't see a lot of these rip offs people cry about.
PrimeTime said:
I hear the same notes from the same scale in the same key but i don't hear stairway sorry. Im not saying they didn't steal anything or have outside influence god for bid. 
So the family has escaped hearing stairway this whole time? amazing.
Agree that borrowing a catchy little progression that is all of 8~9 notes long is not the same as "OMG! He stoled teh intro!!!!"
Page changed the tempo, added notes, and extended the sequence significantly. 
At what point does a few notes become patentable, or copyright?  I don't know, but this has to be close to the limit, and awarding a gazillion dollars seems way out of place.
hottoddy said:
Muddy Waters stole from Delta bluesmen, who in turn stole from the old former slaves!
Exactly. Ive been a die hard blues guy for most of my life. The thing with the blues, clapton spoke about this regarding robert johnson, you can't get to the first guy! A particular song will keep leading you back farther to "the guy that wrote it". When you think you find the original author you find the guy he got it from. Music gets shared on many levels
Here's the deal.... there are only so many notes on a fretboard. And only so many possible arrangements in blues scales, jazz scales, pentatonic scales, etc. I call it influence more than plagiarism, but hey.... that's me. Imitation is the greatest form of flattery, right?
Buzz hits it.
Too bad this asshole wasn't a Led Zep member 45 years ago. Now we hear about this?
All I heard was $$$$ signs.
Yeah....thats what I thought....
A riff does not a song make, but the extra elements in the background?
He definitely heard it and used it.
And turned it into one of the iconic songs of the genre.
Which Spirit never did.
For a stolen song::::::::by everyone
Nothing new here.
They claim Journey, But I go for Let It Be---Beatles.
Buzz said:
Here's the deal.... there are only so many notes on a fretboard. And only so many possible arrangements in blues scales, jazz scales, pentatonic scales, etc. I call it influence more than plagiarism, but hey.... that's me. Imitation is the greatest form of flattery, right?
I agree. I personally don't think it sounds that close and Stairway To Heaven was the first rock guitar song I learned on guitar over 35 years ago. I think it was the first song learned by many guitarists growing up in the late 70's. Remember when George Harrison was sued and lost over, "My Sweet Lord?" They said it sounded like the old song, "He's So Fine" by The Chiffons in 1963?