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Leek and Hab Jerkey

That combo sounds right.
Ok, here are some pics. Didn't have the camera ready when I started, I had the meat, leeks and peppers mixed yesterday and had them in fridge for 24hrs. Here are pics from today.

Here are the dried Habs I used in the jerkey, some whole dried habs I still have and some dried hab powder.

Here are some of the leeks I used, Vac freezed to keep longer. There is too much snow on the ground here to get fresh ones.


And here are two racks all cooked up, still two racks in oven.
Looks more like dried sausage.
sounds & looks tasty, not really jerky...they're more like sausage sticks, but who cares cuz they're just as tasty.
leeks ? they kinda look like just plain ol' green onions to me.
I have some leeks in the fridge and some meat to marinade some jerky meat today. Can you give some more info on using leeks with jerky or sausage?
When i used them in my sausage/jerky i ground them up in a food processor for a couple of minutes. You want them ground up pretty fine so there is not any large chunks of leek in you jerky.
The leeks and peppers(food processor also) are then mixed into the ground jerky meat and then used in a jerky gun. bake 200 degrees 3 hours or so.
I've also make strip jerky from non ground meat in a dehydrator, and to season that I'll usually soak the strips for a day or too in a sauce of vinegar, spices, chopped peppers, soy sauce and some sauces/spices I can't think of right away. But when I do this I have my leeks and peppers chopped up fine enough that when the meat is drying I have little pepper / leek chunks all over the meat.
+1 for the awesome jerky I never thought of using leeks w/ jerky ... brilliant!! :)

what part of NE PA ya from? I lived in Carbon/Lehigh County area for quite a few years before moving down here to Florida