Lemon Aji vs Aji Limon vs Lemon Drop?

Aji Limon and Aji Lemon are the same.  I have not seen Lemon Aji but I guess they are the same also. My understanding is lemon drop is again the same but I wouldn't stake my life on it.  I have one in the garden along with and Aji Pineapple and both are doing well with the Aji Limon appearing the more vigorous of the 2.
Thanks for clearing this up for me.

Aji Lemon Drop has become one of my favorites. I haven't grown Aji Pineapple, and would like to know how the two compare. Robisburning, maybe you can tell us more about how your plants compare, particularly how the pods compare.

I will dissent on this. I have grown Aji Lemon/Limon and I have tried fresh Lemon Drop pods. Totally different flavors, different size pods, somewhat different shapes. I strongly dislike Lemon Drop (to each his/her own...), but I like Aji Lemon.
See this is what I mean!
I have seeds for the Aji Limon and Lemon Aji, and there is a definite difference in seed size... but I bet that could possibly just be the particular plant they came from.
Found this..
There is a lot of confusion from the vendors so double check your sources to be sure you will grow what you want.
Proper varieties i'm aware are:
Limon - C. Chinense
Lemon Drop (aka Hot Lemon) - C. Baccatum
two different beasts.
Limon is a very compact plant, early producer, pretty hot but completely different taste being a chinense.
"Aji Limon" SHOULD BE the same as Lemon Drop; I've seen small differences in size/shape between vendors regarding it but the taste is pretty close as long as you grow the baccatum type.
See similar threads.
kentishman said:
Thanks for clearing this up for me.

Aji Lemon Drop has become one of my favorites. I haven't grown Aji Pineapple, and would like to know how the two compare. Robisburning, maybe you can tell us more about how your plants compare, particularly how the pods compare.

I have pods on them both but neither are ripe yet. All other elements are very similar up to this point as you would imagine. As soon as I taste them I will let you know, I would say I am 2 weeks from having an answer for you.
I have always heard that Lemon drop was chinense, and Aji Limon is baccatum.  But, labeling problems abound .  I am not sure which name is correct.  I grew Aji Limon from PepperLover, and the flower showed it as a baccatum.
Datil said:
There is a lot of confusion from the vendors so double check your sources to be sure you will grow what you want.
Proper varieties i'm aware are:
Limon - C. Chinense
Lemon Drop (aka Hot Lemon) - C. Baccatum
two different beasts.
Limon is a very compact plant, early producer, pretty hot but completely different taste being a chinense.
"Aji Limon" SHOULD BE the same as Lemon Drop; I've seen small differences in size/shape between vendors regarding it but the taste is pretty close as long as you grow the baccatum type.
See similar threads.
I agree they should be the same.  Lemon Drop (PI 315024) is a baccatuum though I have seen it listed incorrectly from different vendors as a Chinense.   Reimer and Baker creek both have it listed as a Chinense which aids in the confusion.
Not everything here should be taken as fact but http://www.thechileman.org/results.php?chile=1&find=PI+315024&heat=Any&origin=Any&genus=Any&subscribe=Search
I'm not sure how, but somewhere between(outside of) Peru and the rest of the world, Aji Mochero became "Aji Limon (C. chinensis)". It appears to be too late to get it right again. Aji Mochero is a stabilized landrace of Aji Limo, maybe Limo got confused with Limon? It seems that "Aji Limo" is often used like we use "habanero" to describe this or that C. chinensis. There are indeed stabilized "commercial" types of Aji Limo though like "Limo Rojo". Anyway, hope that helps some of you.
So my point being, I think Aji Limon (C. chinensis) should be called what I strongly believe is its true (or more widely used name where it is from) name "Aji Mochero". That would hopefully result in less confusion?
My Aji Limon has erect fruit.  Are the Lemon drops pendant? That might be a simple way to differentiate them physically in the case you were not sure which you had.
Very confusing situation indeed. Not all vendors get it right, so whoever you order your seeds from could have it differently. Indiana_jesse has it right, to the best of my knowledge.
Aji limo is usually a red C.chinense (had them from Peru - see Indiana_jesse above)
Aji mochero is a yellow C.chinese, similar to, or the same as, Aji limon, also the yellow form of Aji limo
Aji limon is a yellow C.chinense, also known as CGN 19211. It is also know as Hot lemon habanero
Aji lemon or lemon drop is a C.baccatum, also known as CGN 17036
This is the Hot lemon hab. from Ajijoe, i.e. Aji limon.
Sometimes the baccatum Aji lemon/lemon drop can have fruits that grow upwards, especially smaller fruits. So can Aji pineapple. 
Nigel said:
Very confusing situation indeed. Not all vendors get it right, so whoever you order your seeds from could have it differently. Indiana_jesse has it right, to the best of my knowledge.
Aji lemon or lemon drop is a C.baccatum, also known as CGN 17036

Sometimes the baccatum Aji lemon/lemon drop can have fruits that grow upwards, especially smaller fruits. So can Aji pineapple. 
I haven't seen any upright but that could just be due to my growing conditions.  Pretty sure Aji Lemon is PI 315024 though unless they have a designation with both seed/gene banks.  And if that is the case how do we keep track of these?
Yep, both of those seeds banks have accession numbers for the same varieties. Probably other seed banks have them, too. 
How do we keep track? Excellent question!!! Giving them specific names everyone uses is what happens. Well, it is until you get this type of situation.