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Light or warmth?

Hello everybody,

My seedlings for my superhots are starting to come in. Problem is, i only have one heating pad an their not all exactly popping up at the same time.
I've only have a few hooks so far but, is the warmth provided by my heating pad better then giving them no heat but light?..
Once they sprout, you do not need to provide any extra heat to them. Heat is usually only neccessary once the first 2 leaves appear, then light is the key. Pick those that already popped and put them under the light or on a windowsill.
what temp is "no heat"?
My average house temperature which since chicago is like 30-40 above average is now anywere from 65 at night 85 in day

Once they sprout, you do not need to provide any extra heat to them. Heat is usually only neccessary once the first 2 leaves appear, then light is the key. Pick those that already popped and put them under the light or on a windowsill.

Exactly, i dont have leaves yet, i have hooks o.o
I'd say to wait a day or two leaving them on the heat mat until leaves appear, sometimes they get "stuck" during germination and need a stable temp to show first leaves. Also they get caught in the hard seed cover itself and might take some time to emerge. Try to spray them with water slightly to ensure they get enough moisture and the seed softens.
I transplant mine to red cups after they sprout. I suggest doing that. They will be coming up at different rates.