• Do you need help identifying a 🌶?
    Is your plant suffering from an unknown issue? 🤧
    Then ask in Identification and Diagnosis.

Living Proof Nutrition Helps

About 10-12 days ago I needed to take serious action to help my plants. I'm an experienced grower (so I thought) and little problems here and there usually work themselves out. Not this time. Trying to diagnose problems by way of visually ID'ing leaves certainly is agreat start but somewhat tricky. But I figured my biggest problem was the typical Magnesium deficiency or possibly Manganese deficiency. Upon further research I read that Manganese deficiency looks similar to an Iron deficiency .Maybe PH issue?  So now with my confidence shattered, I hit the plants with Spray n Gro (micro nutrient elixir that I swear by), Three days later I gave them a heavy foliage spray bath of 1T epsom salts per 1Gallon  water along with a scant teaspoon of sulfur scratched into the medium and watered in. Three days later I watered them with  all purpose ALGOFLASH. The photo below shows how well they are recovering. Phew! I was embarrassed to photograph the sick plants but as an afterthought it would have been a great side by side testimony. Oh well, hopefully I'll never have a problem again- (cough cough)
