• If you have a question about commercial production or the hot sauce business, please post in Startup Help.

Look what you guys made me do . . .

Before THP I only pickled peppers in vinegar to use the infused hot vinegar. After joining here I was amazed at the numbers and various reciepts of home made fire in bottles you guys cooked up. It made me take the Sauce step and YES- I made my 1st batch. Came out great on color, thickness, and taste, but could use a little more heat. Overall I am pretty proud of my 1st and will use this as a base for hotter sauces in the future. I rate this one excellent on taste but only mild/medium on heat.

My babies

Looking Good

Sauce (My First) on left / Before THP on right - pickled peppers

What I did:
Used 18 red cayenne and 1 Anaheim to add volume
3/4 cup white vinegar
2 tbl/spn Tomato Paste
1 tbl/spn Salt
1 tbl.spn Honey
1 tea/spn paprika
1 tea/spn Basil
1 tea/spn Oregano
1 tea/spn Garlic Powder
Brought this to a simmer and maintained heat for 1/2 hour.
Placed it into a blender and emulsified to a thick sauce.
Back to the pot and added juice from 2 lemons
Another 1/4 cup vinegar
3 dashes Cinnamon (3 shakes) from Cinnamon shaker.
Brought this backup to a near boil then poured into two sterlized bottles (the two on the left) the rest of the batch went into that big stoppered bottle to be used first.

Great sauce just need hotter peppers!
Looks killer to me! Beautiful color. I know what you mean by "just need hotter peppers". I made sauce last night with lack of HOT HOT peppers and today when I watered I saw that a bunch of my super hots dropped. Probably because of my kid's BDAY party. I ate a Devil's Tongue and a Savina while watering!!! Wish I would have seen them yesterday.............
Congrats on your first sauce! Very nice looking, great ingredients and you were paying attention to the proper processing also! Well Done!

Your assimilation into the chile pepper continuum is almost complete!