wanted Looking For A Good Home - Final Chapter

haven't heard selections from tfergy or ss tupperware. next up will be (in order) mgold86 and chad s. hold on as you may get a chance - you will get until 6:15 to pm me with address and selection.
Thanks a lot. This forum is the greatest, everyone is so friendly and giving. It is refreshing compared to some others I'm on. I still have a month and a half i hope, and i also hope to contribute something great like this... Although it probably won't be as hot. But should be interesting to say the least....
Guess I better study up on my superhots, I can't tell what most of those are. I see what looks like a yellow/red scorpion, a fatalii, maybe a Morich and maybe a Douglah..
all packages were put in the mail today - hope that they arrive safely. thanks to everyone that participated - hope you had fun.