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Looking for Bonnets

I live in Canada and looking for a source for GOOD Scotch Bonnet peppers to make some Trini style pepper sauce. Can anyone suggest a source where I could buy them and have the peppers shipped to me?

Thanks for your help!

Jeff Menzies
Welcome Pepper, nice original name;)
Where abouts in Canada are you? I guess your only looking for fresh SB's?
I don't live in Canada , I live in Texas , but I'm a member of Trinidad group that's about cooking inna' Trini style. It seems the folks in Canada use oriental markets. I guess it depends where you live. Check on oriental markets in your area .

P. Dreadie
I believe there's a large west indian population living in Toronto. You can shop there if you're local. You will probably have better chance finding bonnets if you search out west indian/caribbean grocers in your local listings.
Many of the larger grocery stores around here(Y.I.G., Loeb/Metro etc.) have Scotch bonnets but they are shipped in small packages and are usually disgusting looking. In the west Safeway stores may have them
Howdy, I live one hour north of Toronto. I have found many stores that sell bonnets but none of them have had the heat or flavor of a goooood scotch bonnet. I need to take a trip in to Toronto!

I would gladly have them shipped to me.
