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breeding Looking for pepper breeding ideas crazy or not

I'm looking for pepper breeding ideas, I want to make a new breed of pepper whether it be just a new color pepper of a strain or create a new strain.

Post your ideas here, the best ideas are going into the works, and I will start the process.

I have seeds for quite a lot of peppers now, and have 5-6 types of peppers growing now.

My original idea was a Cayenne x Bhut Jolokia for a testing ground..

But I really want to create something that everyone would want to try

Maybe like a Peach Trinidad scorpion, or a Purple 7 Pot? does that one exist?
How about the Merciless Peppers of Quetzalacatenango (a.k.a. the Guatemalan Insanity Pepper) grown deep in the jungle primeval by the inmates of a Guatemalan insane asylum crossed with a 7 Pot Brain Strain. Could call it an Insane in the Mem-Brain....

Personally I like to see the outcomes when two very different varieties are crossed. Different pod colours, different pod shapes, different foliage, interspecies crossing, etc.
How about a serrano and Aji cross? Say Aji Lemon, yYellow serranos or meaty Aji lemons. Or maybe you will get just a good mountain pepper. It is one I wanted to try this year but didn't get around to growing Ajis.
How about a serrano and Aji cross? Say Aji Lemon, yYellow serranos or meaty Aji lemons. Or maybe you will get just a good mountain pepper. It is one I wanted to try this year but didn't get around to growing Ajis.
Yeah, I'm actually keen as to experiment with Aji Limon myself.... I love those things! Top of the list is Aji Limon x Pimenta da Neyde. Should be interesting!

On another note, just recently had an Aji Amarillo x Yellow Trinidad Scorpion cross take. Fingers-crossed now the seeds are viable.....
How about a serrano and Aji cross? Say Aji Lemon, yYellow serranos or meaty Aji lemons. Or maybe you will get just a good mountain pepper. It is one I wanted to try this year but didn't get around to growing Ajis.
That's a great idea imho.

Maybe i can pull it off myself before the season finishes. I have the jumbo Serrano "Del Sols" and the smaller Aji Yellow #1. If i let them do their mating dance i might be able to come up with something interesting. Going to grab some Q-tips today, why the heck not, and do some crosses to both plants.

I still say that someone should cross a Bell pepper with a Bhut, or maybe even a Butch T. Then you can name it a Bellokia, or even a Bhutell !
I'm going to cross a bell pepper and a butch-t and bell and bhut jolokia.. I have them all growing right now.... producing pods..

the cross is in the works..

I picked up some Microcentrifuge Tubes that I will be taking pollen from each and trying to freeze so I can cross them.

some of these...

How about the Merciless Peppers of Quetzalacatenango (a.k.a. the Guatemalan Insanity Pepper) grown deep in the jungle primeval by the inmates of a Guatemalan insane asylum crossed with a 7 Pot Brain Strain. Could call it an Insane in the Mem-Brain....

I'll spare the Insanity seeds. :cool:

Well the hottest pepper I've ever had was the Guatemalan Insanity Pepper, or as the natives call it the "Merciless Pepper of Quetzalacatenango". it rates at over 100,000SHU! over six times the heat of pure Capsaicin!

I'm going to cross a bell pepper and a butch-t and bell and bhut jolokia.. I have them all growing right now.... producing pods..

the cross is in the works..

I picked up some Microcentrifuge Tubes that I will be taking pollen from each and trying to freeze so I can cross them.

some of these...

Between your name and the nature of the other posts posted, i'm laughing and having trouble figuring out if you're serious.

But if you are serious (i hope you are!), then every one of us will look forward to seeing your results.
Im totally serious.. I got 100 of those tubes I even made posts looking for pollen.. I have read that a few days it might be ok. My book is on the way about helping me go through the hybrid testing. I'm planning on only growing out hybrid breeds and picking from those to create new peppers. But only 1 way to find out, if something is possible, try for yourself..... I figured I could take entire pieces of flowers and saving them and shaking out the pollen and compiling it into tubes and trying to deep freeze it.

I am putting up a pepper breeding site so I can track it..

The name is just a name I used 15+ years ago online and it stuck...

you know one of those alias you setup when you are doing slightly illegal things...
Im thinking of trying to cross the only two plants that survived a garden wide desease at my house.The only two plants to make it were a super hot jalepeno plant and an orange hab. I like that they were disease resistant, and that both were very hot. Visually, they were normal looking so it would be interesting to see what they turn into.
Im totally serious.. I got 100 of those tubes I even made posts looking for pollen.. I have read that a few days it might be ok. My book is on the way about helping me go through the hybrid testing. I'm planning on only growing out hybrid breeds and picking from those to create new peppers. But only 1 way to find out, if something is possible, try for yourself..... I figured I could take entire pieces of flowers and saving them and shaking out the pollen and compiling it into tubes and trying to deep freeze it.

I am putting up a pepper breeding site so I can track it..

Good to hear, hoping you can bump this post and link us to your site when it's ready. I went ahead ahead with my AJi Yellow + Serrano crossing attempt this morning. Very unscientific but this is how it went:

1) I snipped 3 flowers that were just about to open, off each plant that is, 3 x 3.

2) I then took them over to the opposite plants and rubbed them into flowers that were nearly ready to open, 3 x 3.

3) I marked off those flowers and am waiting for them to turn to pods. I also cover them with bits of thin cloth to hide them from pollinating bees, i don't want them mucking things up.

Not the most serious attempt but i'm hoping that one off each plant will produce a pod, then i'll let them fully ripen. I'll cover those plants with plastic if the September weather doesn't cooperate. I'll plant them come Feb 2012. The good thing is that the leaves, stems + growth pattern are very different between the two plants so i may be able to recognize a cross early on.

Im thinking of trying to cross the only two plants that survived a garden wide desease at my house.The only two plants to make it were a super hot jalepeno plant and an orange hab. I like that they were disease resistant, and that both were very hot. Visually, they were normal looking so it would be interesting to see what they turn into.

In my barely successful war versus Bacterial spot this year, i found out that two types of Jalapeno were very susceptible to it and standard habs + red manzano/rocotos were fairly susceptible.

I also figured out that AJi Yellow #1 and all three Serrano types seemed completely immune (Del Sol, Tampiqueno, Standard). I'm guessing with the next percentages but Trinidad Perfume and Tobaggo Seasoning peppers were 95% resistant, Fatalli's maybe 75% resistant, either that or all of these just responded well to treatment.

I yanked out stray Jalapeno plants that were next to my rare peppers + superhots because they were acting like disease vectors.
2) I then took them over to the opposite plants and rubbed them into flowers that were nearly ready to open, 3 x 3.

Did you emasculate the recieving flower first?
If the flower was nearly ready to open then its probably not quite ready to be pollinated. It will likely self pollinate later once the flower is more open and ready
Did you emasculate the recieving flower first?
If the flower was nearly ready to open then its probably not quite ready to be pollinated. It will likely self pollinate later once the flower is more open and ready
Actually no i didn't. I didn't refresh my memory of the process before starting, i felt too dopey early this morning, and knew i was forgetting something like that.

I tried to select flowers that appeared large and were just starting to open.

I could try again tonight...i probably should.
I attempted a Cumari Pollux (praeterissum) x Assam Bhut Jolokia cross today. Hopefully it works. Those tiny cumari pollux flowers were kind of tricky to emasculate. :lol:

Going to try a few more this week. A few I'm thinking about...

Chiltepin x Caribbean Red
Chiltepin x Biker Billy
Pimenta de Neyde x Aribibi Gusano
Ring of Fire Cayenne x Aribibi Gusano
Cumari (chinense) x 7 Pod Yellow or Madam Jeanette