wanted Looking for seeds to trade!!

I'm getting an early start on gathering the seeds of what i want to grow next year....so if u have any seeds not on my list to trade hit me up and we can make a trade or if u have extras i'll be more than willing to take them off ur hands
Looking for interesting crosses and interesting great tasting peppers mostly the ones hard to get
My List of Seeds
Arupi Amerelo
Pimento De Neyde
Carolina Reaper (Seeds from Ed Curry)
Carolina Reaper (Not from Ed)
Chocolate Hab
Bengal Naga
Naga Morich
Seasoning Naga
Dorest Naga
Yellow Devil's Tongue
White Bhut
Yellow Bhut
Chocolate Devil's Tongue
Congo SR Gigantic Red
Mustard Hab
Jamacian Yellow Scotch Bonnet
Tobago Yellow Scotch Bonnet
Chocolate Fatalii
Yellow 7 Pot
7 Pot Chaguanas
Peach Bhut
Monster Naga
Moruga Scorpion
Yellow Moruga Scorpion
7 Pot Jonah
Congo SR Gigantic Yellow
Peach Hab
Yellow Fatalii
Brazillian Starfish
Chocolate Bhut
Brown Moruga
Aji Lemon
Aji Amarillo
7 Pot Primo
Chocolate Scorpion
CGN 21500
White Bullet Hab
Peter Pepper