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Lots of pollen from Annuums but very little from Chinense

My annuum plants seem to have lots of pollen on them. If you rub your finger on it you get tons of dust on it. But the two chinense types (red savina and bhut jolokia) seem to have very little to no visible pollen on them. Is this normal?

I wanted to cross pollinate some annuums with pollen from the bhuts but the lack of pollen is making it difficult. I would rather have the annuums be the mother because they ripen much faster. I might have to make the bhut be the mother instead.
Why does everyone think they will cross two different peppers and make this amazing cross or new pepper. You will get these crosses accidentally anyway when you save seeds. I have plants in my garden and I grow thinking they are pure strains and not until the fruit ripens a different color or shape I realize they are not pure. These are the plants I give to people I hardly know that come over and want a plant. I have tried many of these crossed peppers and more times than not they are peppers with almost no heat at all. But sometimes you accidentally get a crazy hot fatalli that looks fine until it turned red instead of yellow and is stupid hot and you think it must be a naga/fatalli cross. I'll use some of these peppers but never the seed to save like I have an amazing new pepper or something. Sorry for the rant, but save your pure seed.
I personally love playing with hybrids and different crosses.
I think C. annuums naturally have bigger flowers and more pollen. You just have to be patient with the C. chinense's IMO.
I think C. annuums naturally have bigger flowers and more pollen.

I agree with that, the flowers on annuums that I've grown are bigger and floppier. I can also see that there's more pollen as it often drops down on to the leaves below.