standbyandfire said:
More Primo Propaganda, good ole pepper drama lol. smh
I have exchanged email with Mr. Primeaux a bit.  He seems like an awfully nice guy.  Have talked to you in the forums, you seem like an awfully nice guy.  Have read Mr. Duffy get angry about a thing or two on Facebook, but he has always been as nice as can be to me.  Mr. Curry, well you would know much better than I because I have never been fortune enough to make his acquaintance.  I think I just covered each of the folk touched on in this thread.
It sounds like you had a bad experience with Mr. Primeaux.  Maybe if you gave him another shot.  You guys have things in common and everyone has an off day here and there.
Troy Is my cousin and I am not saying that to hype him up. He grows a great pepper and is into making a new pepper and that takes A LOT OF TIME and EFFORT. 
I grow peppers and enjoy it ,but I am not into the science of it....  
I did go to LSU for horticulture for my nursery biz though. I grow for the seeds myself ~!~!
AJ, I don't know if Steven has had a bad experience with Troy directly or not. He has partnered up with Ed. There are many people choosing "sides" in the pepper world right now. People who were friends with Ed on Facebook and have either said something good about Troy and his peppers are being dropped by Ed. People could say the same thing about Ed every time we see another article about his peppers, or the new cross that made the reaper that time in an article. (I know I have read 4 articles in print all quoting different parent plants each time) Things aren't going to change for a while. Unless Steven has a falling out with Ed someday, as many people have, he will probably keep the same attitude. At the same time, people are now going to judge Steven, whether fairly, or unfairly, just for hanging onto Ed's coat tails and using his site to sell materials. You can call it propaganda, or promotional material, but Ed has lots of new customers coming to his site because of it, and Steven will be getting a small part of that. There is nothing wrong with that, but with people in the pepper world, and especially, the pepper business, choosing sides, you probably won't see Steven being buddies with Troy and time soon. Tom
cycadjungle said:
There are many people choosing "sides" in the pepper world right now.
Other than Mr. Curry, who I have never had any sort of exchange with, all the people being discussed here have always been as nice as could be to me.  Frankly, I am flattered that any would take the time to bother.  I remember remember joining one of those Facebook forums.  A couple people were all about "Who are you?" and "Why havent I heard your name before?".  I replied, uh cause I live on a one lane road on a ridge in the middle of no where Kentucky?  Thing is, when my mother was very ill, people like Jim Duffy (very well known name) took time to write and let me know he included my mother in his prayers.  Mr. Primeaux and I wrote a bit during one of my romances with the morphine drip.  Helped me get threw a hospital stay.  StandbyandFire showed his stripes when the first Chocolate Bhutlah product donated proceeds to the Wounded Warrior fund.  When the push was on to raise money for Christopher Phillips, the organizer of the largest effort said something about Mr. Curry donating big.
Seems like the famous pepper people all have good hearts.  I wonder if some of the pepper wars might not be more a thing of fans than these men themselves.  Then again, I really do live in the middle of no where on top of a ridge in KY.  What the hell do I know?