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Mango season in Gingin

26 crates of mangoes about 60-70 mangoes in each. Many hours sitting hunched over a bucket with Icecream scoops and knives. I can process about 10 litres and hour. I will start making my sauces next week I hope, I just need to get some bottles and a few more ingredients. I might go back to the mango orchard yet and get more 2nds before they go off. They are just lying under the trees after the piuckers have been through. Bloody hard work walking around hunched up for 6 hours gathering them. Thats how long it took to get 26 crates.



20 litres of mango pulp

Now that is a hell of a lot of mangoes. They look great - let's see some pictures of what you turn them into.

At the moment they are going into the freezer in 2 KG lots while I gather the rest of the ingredients and buy the bottles and get my new labels printed, then I will post pics of the finished product.
Wow SG, those look awesome.

Now these didn't cost you anything because they're "discarded" by the pickers?

Here, mangoes can cost a dollar apiece - on sale! Doing quick math, you're pushing $2,000 worth. That's over $300 per hour for each hour spent collecting. Not too bad a wage my friend.

Looking forward to your new creations!
Wow SG, those look awesome.

Now these didn't cost you anything because they're "discarded" by the pickers?

Here, mangoes can cost a dollar apiece - on sale! Doing quick math, you're pushing $2,000 worth. That's over $300 per hour for each hour spent collecting. Not too bad a wage my friend.

Looking forward to your new creations!

Only 10 crates left to process so I'm thinking of going back for round 2 and getting another 20 or 30 crates. I cant fault them at the price. There is nothing wrong with them other than a few spots on the skins and the odd one has a few fruit fly larvae, but I just cut them out and feed em to the chickens. The spots on the skin dont make any difference to the quality. I have been processing in the games room with the aircon on full blast to keep them fresh and now the whole house has the aroma of mango permeating through it.