contest March TD: BREAKFAST...c'mon...ain't it about time?

I'm all egged out from the last 3!
SERIOUSLY????!!!! I just blew the wad with all my breakfast tricks last month!!!!
In honor of all the recent developments in the newest hottest pepper dethroning the Butch t...I think we should honor their roots and go Caribbean!
In honor of all the recent developments in the newest hottest pepper dethroning the Butch t...I think we should honor their roots and go Caribbean!

Caribbean sounds great but there's nothing like fresh "Bonnets" out of the yard........summer could be more fun.

Caribbean sounds great but there's nothing like fresh "Bonnets" out of the yard........summer could be more fun.


I agree...September's TD should be Caribbean, with some sort of Caribbean chile, and fruit as a requirement.
In honor of all the recent developments in the newest hottest pepper dethroning the Butch t...I think we should honor their roots and go Caribbean!

Caribbean sounds great but there's nothing like fresh "Bonnets" out of the yard........summer could be more fun.


OK, I'll check back in 5 months to see what's the... officially latest hottest greatest chile.., and then we can decide what will be the td for September????

I agree...September's TD should be Caribbean, with some sort of Caribbean chile, and fruit as a requirement.
And a palm tree in the photo!

for POL
Ramen TD.....I'm down. I'm thinking a Freaky Foods TD. lol. What's the craziest thing you can bring to the table and make delicious.?? POL is you actually eating it!! (and not winding up dead) :hell:
Yes, breakfast TD ftw!

Ramen TD.....I'm down. I'm thinking a Freaky Foods TD. lol. What's the craziest thing you can bring to the table and make delicious.?? POL is you actually eating it!! (and not winding up dead) :hell:

Mmmm, A Fugu & crunchy scorpion tail burger with snake tongue salad & McD McChicken sauce??
There has been a breakfast entry like every TD. I am down just like I have been for the last like 5 months for ramen. But I think that an Irish TD would be fitting given the month.

Also, new hottest? I hope your not talking about the 2 mil Morouga....
lunchbox,lol.. and if we do the ramen i was very poor for years so i rape ramen, just a fair warning!!but i still say italian.
I dont care what we do...

You're all going to get a phd in FAIL.
Especially if its brekky, which, if it is, I promise I'll do in my sleep, with both hands tied behind my back... Drunk.

that is all...