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Masonic question

I honestly dont know where to post this so I thought Id put it here untill it gets moved..To start im a proud lion(Lions Club) helps out the community..I know someone thats in a massonic lodge very close to me and also a lion..Point being Anything I ask well its all secretive...I have been googling this to hell seen both sides I just want to know what the hell the Masions are and what they represent...thx
They are the Illuminaty, thousand points of light.

Their mission is to create a secretive new world order. They say they are not a religion but they worship in "temples" and worship a god called Gato (the master creator in their eyes).

My grandfather ran a lodge and would not devulge any information in regards to it. When they join they are made to kneel and a sword is held to their stomach. They are told that if they tell any secrets of the sect that they will be hung and dis-embowled.
They even go to the lengths of blackening out windows so you cant see what they are doing.

Edit: Look at the back of the American $1 note, theres a pyramid. In the center of the top of the pyramid there is an eye called the "eye of hauras" or the "all seeing eye of god", and the pyramid consists of thirteen layers. At the base of the pyramid is a scroll, written in latin and the meaning of this is "the new world order of the ages". This was designed and implemented by the illuminati in the early 1930's, as they had major influence in American politics and decision making. Most high profile leaders world wide today have links with the illuminati and are implementing the various parts of a new world monetary system and the NWO.

In my opinion they are evil.
Most low ranking Mason's aren't evil. They are just "in a club". but start climbing the ranks an dit gets nastier and nastier. Sacrifices, secret knowledge that they hord, satanic rituals, etc etc.

I've been practicing the Mason handshake and am going to start doing it when people shake my hand to see who picks up on it :hell:
I spose i should have said "in my opinion what they are doing as a whole is evil", but yeah you get the drift.
Novacastrian said:
Edit: Look at the back of the American $1 note, theres a pyramid. In the center of the top of the pyramid there is an eye called the "eye of hauras" or the "all seeing eye of god", and the pyramid consists of thirteen layers. At the base of the pyramid is a scroll, written in latin and the meaning of this is "the new world order of the ages". This was designed and implemented by the illuminati in the early 1930's, as they had major influence in American politics and decision making. Most high profile leaders world wide today have links with the illuminati and are implementing the various parts of a new world monetary system and the NWO.
Conspiracy theorist! LOL

"Novus Ordo Seclorum" was the motto suggested in 1782 by Charles Thomson, the Founding Father chosen by the Continental Congress to come up with the final design for the Great Seal of the United States.


Novus means: new, young, novel.
Ordo means: row, series, order.
Seclorum means: of the ages, generations, or centuries.
An accurate translation of Novus Ordo Seclorum is "A New Order of the Ages," but the meaning of this motto is better understood when seen in its original context.

NOTE: Novus ordo seclorum does not properly translate into "new world order," which is an English phrase that, if converted to Latin, would not be novus ordo seclorum. Seclorum is a plural form (new worlds order?), and Thomson specifically said the motto refers to "the new American era" commencing in 1776.
check the history channel, they've had some shows about this.
it goes into the star pointing to certain letters on our bills (money) to the signers of our constution & our lady of liberty,etc....
Novacastrian said:
They are the Illuminaty, thousand points of light.

Their mission is to create a secretive new world order.
They say they are not a religion
we're not
but they worship in "temples" and worship a god called Gato (the master creator in their eyes).
we have meetings, not worship sessions. people can go to church if they want to worship that way. we all believe in a "higher power". That could be the Christian God, Allah, whatever. It's not just for one belief system. Benjamin Franklin was a Deist. So am I.
GAOTU stands for Great Architect of the Universe. Sort of a catch-all way to refer to whatever higher power someone follows without having to refer to something specific since someone may not believe as someone else, and that way it's more inclusive rather than excluding people based on differing beliefs.

My grandfather ran a lodge and would not devulge any information in regards to it. When they join they are made to kneel and a sword is held to their stomach. They are told that if they tell any secrets of the sect that they will be hung and dis-embowled.
They even go to the lengths of blackening out windows so you cant see what they are doing.
Many people have left, some of them told what we do, none have been disemboweled.

Edit: Look at the back of the American $1 note, theres a pyramid. In the center of the top of the pyramid there is an eye called the "eye of hauras" or the "all seeing eye of god", and the pyramid consists of thirteen layers. At the base of the pyramid is a scroll, written in latin and the meaning of this is "the new world order of the ages". This was designed and implemented by the illuminati in the early 1930's, as they had major influence in American politics and decision making. Most high profile leaders world wide today have links with the illuminati and are implementing the various parts of a new world monetary system and the NWO.

In my opinion they are evil.

OK, the Great Seal of the United States, which that part of the dollar you're talking about, was designed by three different committees, and the only Freemason on any of them was Benjamin Franklin, and all his ideas were shot down.
The Eye of Providence was a common Christian symbol, not Masonic.
Novus Ordo Seclorum was implemented by Charles Thompson in the 1780s, not by Illuminati in the 1930s and translates to "new order of the ages".

I'm sorry that you think we're evil. We do a lot of charitable work in our communities and generally enjoy each other's company. I suppose it would be nice to be a part of a shadowy organization that has been secretly pulling the strings and making kings and presidents dance to our tune. I'd probably have a better job and a nicer house if that were so.
Well there you go! From the horses mouth so to speak!

Thanks for sharing skydiver, my brain has been edjamacated. :)
peter pepper said:
i believe anyone can apply to join and become a mason. right?

Pretty much, you need to be male and you need two members to be you sponsor. At least that is the case for the lodge where my father is a member. There are some things that disqualifies you though, like if you have been in jail - or maybe you get trown out if you are sent to jail after you became a member?
I love it how human nature dictates that when there is something or someone not too well known or understood the bullshit level then goes through the roof. And conspiracy theorists absolutely crack me up. Talk about entertainment!
Sickmont said:
I love it how human nature dictates that when there is something or someone not too well known or understood the bullshit level then goes through the roof. And conspiracy theorists absolutely crack me up. Talk about entertainment!

I read about this because my father is a freemason, and he has also told me some stories. The first real uproar against them here in Sweden was in 1753! They where accused of sacrificing and eating children. (And still to this day people "know" that they use human blood in their ceremonies)

What did they really do?

The rich members donated money and opened an orphanage...
Skydiver said:
You need to be a male, over age 18, of good character, and you need to believe in a higher power.

Well I didn't know that - I thought you had to be invited to join by a member.