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Mass Genocide

There is right now, a massive genocide going on in the world. do you know where?

...well i was hoping a lot of places, who else just went and got a bunch of killer lady bugs to wipe out the aphid invasion??

don't get many by way of the wind and i got some massive aphid attacks this year ( thinking local nursery or a cross country one ) almost wiped out a couple of plants quickly, so i set all my plants in a circle around my ladybug package and stopped and sand down next to the circle and by god those things are efficient!! they are just crawling around one leaf at a time munching as they go. i don't know where my camera is right now, and i have to go on a short trip to my parents today, but !!! i love ladybugs hahahah!

every time i leave my plants unattended for an afternoon i freak out slightly, but for some reason i am not scared to leave them for a couple days today. with the satisfaction of the hunt going on i might just be feeling up. but death to the green squishies!
I have been haveing a war with the bastards myself. Didn't have to resort to buying the ladybugs though. They found them on their own just as I was prepared to order some. I had a fatalii plant that was loaded with aphids. I took a ladybug off another plant and put it on the fatalii. Went back the next day and the plant was completely cleaned off. Gotta love it. Now there may be an aphid here or there, but the ladybugs are keeping them under control quite nicely.

Good luck on your war with aphids. May you win decisively.
I went and bought some ladybugs because my squash was infested and put them out in the evening like your supposed to and in two days they were all gone and still had the aphids
I went and bought some ladybugs because my squash was infested and put them out in the evening like your supposed to and in two days they were all gone and still had the aphids

Lol... Sorry I know I shouldn't laugh but that would be my luck too!! Hopefully some return and put a stop to you're aphid problem. good luck.
I finally got rid of the little bastards last week, out looking at my plants this morning Lady bugs every where flying from plant to plant, hungry