hybrid Matt and the Naga/7 Pot Cross

First, just a little disclaimer...I filmed this about 30 minutes after I got home from a Halloween party. At said party, there may or may not have been an ample amount of :beer:. So I may have had a little more fun than the others filming this. Ok, you have been warned.


I gotta say that this is an AWESOME pepper. I couldn't be happier with the outcome from this beast. The heat, taste, texture was all I could ask for in a superhot. I wanna say it is one of the hottest I have had, but I am not 100% sure it is hotter than his Douglah X.

It is about 30 minutes later and I still have the hiccups. It is crazy because I have never got the hiccups before eating chilis. The flavor begged me to eat more, more, more. I think this would be a great base for a sauce or powder/flakes because it has the flavor and the heat.

The heat focused in the front of the mouth, tip of the tongue, and back of the lips. I had a quick brush with the back of the throat at the beginning, but it quickly jumped back to the front of the mouth.

The bottom line is I only have so many spots for next year's grow. The Douglah X just got booted. I am super excited to grow this next year and see what comes out of it.

On a separate but similar note, my :beer: escapades has brought on a number of questions that I didnt put much stock into prior to last night.

How can I really judge if one pepper is hotter than the next when they all seem so close? How does what I eat play into the heat? If i start to get stomach pain does that automatically trigger my mind to think this is a hotter pepper?

But just thinking out loud, the two nights that I had adult soda with my Chilis were Brian's Yellow Scorpion and last night's cross. Both those nights I had 0 stomach discomfort. Every other time I had mild to crippling stomach pain no matter how I prepared.

Aside from the stomach pain it is extremely difficult to tell if some chilis are hotter. I want to venture to say instead of me ranking them by "This is the hottest", it may be easier to lump them together by levels. Lastly, what is stupid hot to me may be childs play to Beagle and vice versa.

Just the thoughts of a :crazy: person...

Hi Matt,

Thanks for suffering for us, heat wise anyway I know you enjoyed the flavor, its a hard pod to put down because you want the taste but the heat sure as hell does make you think twice.

Pepperlover send me the seeds for the ButchT strain, not this 7/naga cross. The 7's came from Asiagarden last year and I cant remember where I got my nagas from, but it was the bees that gives us this little beastie. Wait until you try Pepperlovers ButchT, you may want to visit another party first, it is pretty extreme to me.

I should have some seeds from this cross to dole out pretty soon, it took a long time to get some ripe ones, most of them were somewhat ripe before the frost hit and need a little time in the bag yet.

Next year I wont have to worry about space as my brother just bought a 5 acre hobby farm and is setting a 200 x 300 foot plot for me, my biggest problem is going to be tending everything, there will be plenty of new varieties for you to have at next year.

Thanks again Matt,

Great job Matt!!

I have the 7/Naga and 7/Bhut to try next season and compare the two. My hottest super I grew this season was the basic Infinity…much hotter than the Monster version. I plan on growing them again next season as well and will be available to you if you're up to it. You can even pick the size you want to try.
