• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

maxcap 2015! Supers full of pods...

I wish I'd started this sooner, but I've been slammed with research/writing work until now. That's subsiding as the semester winds down and I move closer to being Dr. MaxCap. Things were so hectic over the winter that I almost didn't plant anything at all. Boy am I glad I got some stuff started.
I grow in Atlanta, in two raised 4x12' beds in a community garden. Last year was my first serious grow, and I went broad, starting at least one representative from every major branch of the superhot pepper family. Being that I wasn't sure I'd be in town to finish the season, I dialed it back to my absolute favorites. Powders, sauces, and salsas all turned out great, thanks to help from THP's community. I tried to share a lot of it back around, but didn't get powders in the mail like I wanted.
This year I am growing:
Carolina Reaper (2013 seed from Smokin' Ed's website).
Red Bubblegum 7 pod (OP seed care of GA_Growhead. My favorite superhot of last year's grow)
Bubblegum X Reaper F2(?) (GA_Growhead's cross. A very tasty and hot pepper)
Goat's Weed (OP from Jamison... my favorite annuum)
Red Rocotto (Seeds from pepperlove via Jamison)
Large Orange Thai (Seeds from Annie via GA_Growhead)
Lemon Drop (Seeds from a tasty pod Devv sent me last year)
Chocolate Bhut (Start given to me by the horticulturalist at a local hydro center)
There are so many others that I wanted to grow, especially MoA's,  Bhuts (loved the yellow, Charles!), and Jalapenos (carbone was the nicest of last year's grow... thanks Jeff!!!) but just didn't have the time or space.
I started most of the supers on 1/17. Annuums were 2/1 (except Large Orange Thai... started on 2/14). I had to try over and over with the rocotto... yellow manzanos wouldn't sproud at all. Here are some pics!

Early April plantout. I rolled the die again. Worked better this year.

Volunteer Bhuts from last year. Also have a volunteer chiero roxa that I haven't pulled yet.

The glorious rocotto duo today! Got some flowers about to open on one but the other lost all its buds. They are in partial sun and shade most the day.

Goat's Weed the spicer upper of Italian food. 
Big changes this year: I companion planted marigolds, nasturtium, cilantro, and basil. In the other bed I started low maintenance beans to try to help out the soil composition. I also direct sowed a small amount of okra and zukes. Going to keep the Chocolate Bhut indoors in coir. 
Last year time ran out, so I am trying to keep things a little more dialed down this year. Also growing more variety to keep the kitchen stocked. I plan to update as much as possible with progress, but won't be doing the data tracking that I did last year. Gonna be around as much as I can. Wish me luck!
Special thanks to all of the THPers who helped me out last year. Rick, Scott, Charles, Jericson, Jeffs Hillbilly and otherwise, Paul, Chris, Jamison, Jason, JJJ, Annie, and so many others... Pepper people are the best!
maximumcapsicum said:
Jason! Long time no see bud.

We should indeed meet up, and I would love to see your garden! Did you get a lot of cool variation in those F2's? The two I grew are very different from one another, as would be expected. One is perfect, big calyx and cool pod shape. We got to compare!

I learned a lot last year and tried to apply everything. So far smooth sailing, though there have been some nasty winds and storms this year.
So far, only one of the 46 has set a flower. Most are still pretty small. It is starting to look like it is going to elongate like yours and it definitely has the bbg7 calyxes. I also had one pop with purple leaves. It crossed with one of the many purple foliaged plants from last year. I had ten plus varieties that where purple, so no clue of other parent. Actually ended up with a couple of mystery purple crosses this year, along with the intentional PDN crosses. I even have a purple leaves MOA!
Definitely getting you up here. I packed things pretty tight on the garden this year. 400+ in the ground! It will be a sight once pods come in.
You learned well! Way farther along than me. I have still been battling the back issues, so didn't get all the plants in the ground as fast as I would have liked. We got a good storm yesterday. I had to stand back up ten or more plants, but the rain was much appreciated here.
I went a bit different route all around this year. I planted the annuums first in the garden even.
Went more organic in my methodology. I don't even have a grow list. Lost tons of varieties, mostly due to my back... because I couldn't get to them quick enough for their first pot up. Completly shaded plants by their taller neighbors don't live on. So I'm missing many things I wanted in the garden this season. Always next year. Right?
Still ended up with a ton of plants, so all is good!
Nice pods Adam. I don't know how I missed your last update. The garden looks amazing. Can't wait to see them pods mature for you. Hope your finding some time for fun this Summer.

Thanks for sharing.
OCD Chilehead said:
Nice pods Adam. I don't know how I missed your last update. The garden looks amazing. Can't wait to see them pods mature for you. Hope your finding some time for fun this Summer.

Thanks for sharing.
Thank's Chuck! They're maturing, and I spend the handfulls of minutes I get now and then to get them in saucin' jars. I have some projects going this year that I think are going to turn out quite nice.
romy6 said:
 Looking superb Adam . That green thumb of yours it illuminating nicely :)
Thanks man! Just watchin' THP examples, listenin' to the plants, and eating hot pepper pods at every opportunity!
OCD Chilehead said:
How's the plants doing Adam? Hope all is well.
I need to update more! It's been hard with work, but the pepper patch has definitely been a great place to collect my thoughts.
Drove up to visit Jason (aka GA_Growhead) and we had some great pepper chat. After trying some supers, we toured his hundreds of plants. His operation is amazing to say the least. I am hoping to make another trip up there when I have some sauce to share. But he wouldn't let me leave empty handed:

Here is my cocoponic's plant. A Chocolate Bhut Jolokia, grown from a start given to me at a hydroponics shop. I've been growing it under CFL's and 6 hours of window light. It reacts to the non-ideal light by extending its internodal length. Leggy doesn't begin to describe it. It's "wingspan" is nearly 5'. Gives me a nice forest background for my video conferences.

It set a pod anyway:

Cocoponics has been a great way to learn about pepper nutrition. I'll do a write up later on. Thankfully I haven't burned it. I have had to pollinate the flowers with a q-tip.

Basic ferment is going. Going to do a couple more of these this year. My favorite sauces have been the simple ones, so I am building on that. I'll try to write some of that up a little down the road as well. I also have some cooked sauces steeped in the fridge.

Couldn't be happier with the peppers in the community garden beds. These reapers are a work of art.

Goat's Weed for my pizza.

Reaper X Bubblegum F2 has so many pods it's about to fall over.

LOT's aren't likely winning any contests but they sure are doing well with their basil and marigold companions. The growth of the basil doesn't seem to be slowing the peppers.

Last week I pulled the dry black beans. I buried the foliage and roots, and scattered the shells on top. There are more shells I am still about to scatter. 

On top I have seeded a green manure. This buckwheat should destroy any weeks, preserve nutes, and provide organic material win I cut it down in a month or so. I am also seeding buckwheat in the neighboring derelict beds to help get weeds under control.
Thanks for reading!
Things are looking good down your way Adam! You're going to have some decent heat come the end of the season.

I managed to pick up some grow bags in my last trip one town over. Can't really decide if I'm going to try putting one in them this year or wait until next season.
