for-sale Medium Boxes Habaneros (Paper Lantern) $36

Hi Again,

After getting a Medium flat rate box from the post office, it looks like it holds around 4 lbs 4 oz (give or take) according to my highly accurate scale. I have 3-4 Medium size boxes worth of peppers ready to go now. They are excellent peppers for sauce in my opinion but they dehydrate good too. Sweet, Fruity and Hot. When I want to spice up a batch of hot sauce, I just had a few ounces or some other super hots with these. 4 lbs of peppers will make a lot of sauce even after straining the mash.


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Seeing as I just got these today, he might be ready to pick some more.. I dropped him a PM, on the chance you didn't.
Got a fun day of processing ahead of me.. :onfire:

Thanks for posting. I worry about these peppers in tightly confined boxes like that. I was worried about the Scorpions and Reapers in zip loc bags so I punched some airholes. Glad they arrive in good condition.
Thanks for posting. I worry about these peppers in tightly confined boxes like that. I was worried about the Scorpions and Reapers in zip loc bags so I punched some airholes. Glad they arrive in good condition.

Those look awesome.. And there weren't many bad so far in that huge box you sent. When you compare the box I got from you to anything I've got in bulk from a market, you put them to shame. It was sweet you had extra to offer up for the community.. I was certainly wanting for them.
Most of these, despite the mail taking longer than usual these days, were nice and crispy.. Like you just pulled them. Anything that was bad, was just starting to go.
Thanks again!