• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Megamoo's 2011/2012 Grow Log

Megamoo's 2011/2012 Grow Log

It's the 4[sup]th[/sup] of August and time to start a grow log. This will be only my second year and second grow log. Because I tend to go on and on talking about crap I will make a commitment to only post if there are pictures to post with it so it stays entertaining.

I've already germinated some seeds inside and am eagerly awaiting the end of winter so I can begin construction of my forest of chillies :D

Firstly a recap of what has happenned up to now.
Being bored in the off season I started three Jalapeno seeds in on 17[sup]th[/sup] may. One week later I got a hook.

This got me gander up and I jumped in ;)

On 7[sup]th[/sup] June I soaked in chamomile tea and planted seeds of:
Jaimca Scotch Bonnet
Aji Amarillo
Aribibi Gusano
Congo Brown
Trinidad Scorpion
Peruvian White Habanero
Peter Pepper Orange
Bishop's Crown
Naga Morich
Red Bhut Jolokia
Choc Bhut Jolokia
Red Habanero
Hot Cherry
Cayenne Gold
"Mystery Pepper"

Two weeks after sowing I got this

5[sup]th[/sup] July planted some more after the same soaking method.
Trinidad Scorpion Butch T
Rocoto Peru Bitumi
Manzano Amarillo
Guampinha De Veadho
Scotch Bonnet TFM
Bahamiah Goat Pepper
Antillais Carribean
Topaz Chili
Purple Tiger
7 Pot Brain Strain
Hungarian Yellow Wax Hot
Bolivian Rainbow
Big Jim
Naga Morich
Asian Birdseye
Chilli Fiesta
Peter Pepper

Also trialled soaking 27 Gold Cayenne in different concentrations of acid.
The result was far from disaster but not good enough to excite me.

On 11[sup]th[/sup] July the older sprouted ones got a new fluro tube home on a shelf.

Red Bhut
Jamiaca Scotch Bonnet
Choc Bhut
Habanero Red
Mystery Pepper
Congo Brown
Trinidad Scorpion
Cayenne Gold

15[sup]th[/sup] July Soaked some seeds in Hydrogen Peroxide solution before planting. Left them in for a 14 hrs but the recommended method is only 5 mins... oops I chose seeds that I wanted more plants of and others I have had trouble germinating in the past.
Hot Cherry
Chilli Costa Rica
Bishop's Crown
Peruvian White Habanero
Asian Birdseye
TS Butch T
Bahamian Goat Pepper
White Labuyo

Had some hooks pop up and the older ones got bigger. Everything was going along fine...... until :O ! ! !
Like you, moo, I get a little worried about build up of salts through use of Chilli Focus. Apart from an initial soil--uh, peat--soak for my babies, I only foliar feed with it.
I just harvested a lot of those Brazillian Starfish and saved the seeds so I'll send you some PIC 1 if you PM me your address. Even though they are open pollinated the plant started flowering before the others so they are probably pure.
How did you find the flavour of the Brazilian Starfish pods?
My season has come to a premature end. The last chilli plants I had taken photos of are now all sick with dropping leaves. Because I have to move out of this house in March I'm going to trash all the plants and not risk bringing any infection to the new place. Its partly my fault for going away and neglecting them but they were already sick with something anyway.

The ones I have inside on a shelf are still doing well.

These will be my only surviving chilli plants.
5 hot cherry
2 trinidad perfume
3 siling labuyo
2 habanero big sun
1 antillais caribbean
2 vietato
3 numex twilight

All the basils are doing well though :P