• Everything other than hot peppers. Questions, discussion, and grow logs. Cannabis grow pics are only allowed when posted from a legal juridstiction.

Megamoo's non chilli grow 2011

This spring I'm going for

Tomatoes, not as many as last year.
Beans my new favourite.
Pumpkins - miniture ones cos I have no space.
Beetroot - candy stripe ones. Not sure how to cook them but I'll learn.
Eggplant - I have some crazy coloured ones.
Parsnips - not sure if they will work in the heat, heard they are hard to grow too.
Cucumbers - Like the pumpkins I'm going to try and get them to grow up a lattice.
Basil - lots and lots of basil
Also lots of different herbs.
Maybe some others I can't think of right now.
The main difficulty will be finding time to do it but something will grow.
There will be pictures too.
Nice list

You could bake beets until tender, let them cool, peel and slice them and make salad with vinegar, oil, salt and minced garlic. That is one of my favorite salads.
Hi Megamoo, let me know if you want some Minnesota midget rock melon seeds , great if you dont have much space and i have plenty of moon and stars watermelon seeds also.