Mexican Wilds - Need some help.

Traded for some wilds from Mexico.  I sent him what he wanted and just asked for anything he figures I cant get here.  Problem, I dont think I am reading the hand written labels right.  I am typing them here as best I can guess.  If anyone wants to help me out by figuring these out, please do tell so when I write back I do not feel like a complete idiot.

BTW: Not enough to share, only a few of each variety but after I grow them out will be sure to show appreciation.
Letter says some of the wilds come from neighboring state Jalisco.
Pucante Granoe #3 Wild
Pucante Granoe Jalisco Wild
Brown Conga (not sure about the g)
Tlajomulco Desuns g Jalisco Wild (not sure about any of this spelling)
Pitoton silco el alto Jalisco wild
Puente Grannoe Jalisco wild
Peunte Grano
Michoscan Halsanero
Uadalr jar Jalisco wild

I suppose:
- Granoe is Grande
-Michoscan Halsanero is Michoacan Habanero
-Uadalr jar Jalisco wild is Guadalajara Jalisco
Edit: put a picture of those labels, maybe we can guess better :)
Thank you.  Off to a good start.  It sounds like most of the names are locations in Mexico.  I couldnt even come close not knowing those locations.

He said he was going to email pictures, but they have not come yet.  Can not connect the mailing address and name to the email. 
You are welcome!
Looking again, I think I can make more guesses:
-Pucante Granoe #3 Wild could be Picante Grande #3 Wild
-Pucante Granoe Jalisco Wild could be Picante Grande Jalisco Wild.
I mean, you can put a picture of the hand written LABELS.
ajdrew said:
Tlajomulco Desuns g Jalisco Wild (not sure about any of this spelling)
i think the "g" must be a "y"... so maybe i've helped solve one letter for you. Wish i spoke Spanish.

If you photograph the handwritten labels and post them,, as rghm 1u20 suggests, and a few members fluent in Spanish see them, this could be solved quickly.

Sounds like this could be a fun exploration, A.J. It might be fun to follow your progress -- with, perhaps a glog? -- it sounds like you've got some fairly exotic seed-stock here !
mikeg said:
i think the "g" must be a "y"... so maybe i've helped solve one letter for you. Wish i spoke Spanish.

If you photograph the handwritten labels and post them,, as rghm 1u20 suggests, and a few members fluent in Spanish see them, this could be solved quickly.

Sounds like this could be a fun exploration, A.J. It might be fun to follow your progress -- with, perhaps a glog? -- it sounds like you've got some fairly exotic seed-stock here !
I second this.  I speak some Spanish,  I have not had a conversation with someone fluent in years though.  