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Michael Phelps caught smoking pot

It was at a house party chances are it was a complete stranger.

He's coming to Austin in march.....I'll have go to go wearing a sign that says "Winners Smoke Weed" :lol:
Pam said:
He's still a kid, he's supposed to do stupid things. He's held the line at near perfection for years and years. He so absolutely should have a chance to kick back and be an idiot.

A kid? 23 years old, already has a DUI? Been on the cover of practically every mag in the world?

Yep, a child that has people offering him millions of dollars and all he does is sign where they tell him to and ask his parents for his allowance?

Don't misunderstand - if he wants to get high on pot, get stupidly drunk or do anything else that doesn't harm others, that's his right. And perhaps he was trying to show people his is not just a fishy geek but a regular guy who likes to party. Again, his right. But he is still an idiot because he had to know the damage that could happen to endorsement contracts if he violated any "morals clause" that is pretty much standard in endorsement deals.

Maybe Kellog's - the Breakfast of Champions - will come out with a product to take care of the Munchies. Champchies - the Snack for Champions that Satisfies the Munchies!

you know, it all depends on what he wants to do when he grows up...he may be realizing this spotlight life is not what he expected nor really wanted in the long run...
wordwiz said:
A kid? 23 years old, already has a DUI? Been on the cover of practically every mag in the world?

Yes, a kid, one that has performed beautifully under tremendous pressure; one that has more than earned a little time off to be an idiot. Shoot, I was still full bore stupid at 23, about the only thing I was disciplined about was keeping the fridge full of beer.
He probably already has more money than all of us combined so who cares if he looses a couple of mill!
*rolling my eyes*


That short, Napoleonic sack of shit can't get a patrol car to a crime in under 45 minutes unless someone is bleeding, and he wants to waste resources on a crime he has most likely doesn't have jurisdiction over. *I* called the sheriff's department in the wee hours of Sunday morning for help, was put on hold, then disconnected; but that politically motivated publicity seeking weenie wants to waste resources pursuing someone who puffed some pot. We have sheds and barns in the county burning and exploding from meth production and home invasions and robbery on the increase, and that preening jackass wants to waste resources pursing a misdemeanor that may not have been committed in his jurisdiction.

Pam said:
*rolling my eyes*


That short, Napoleonic sack of shit can't get a patrol car to a crime in under 45 minutes unless someone is bleeding, and he wants to waste resources on a crime he has most likely doesn't have jurisdiction over. *I* called the sheriff's department in the wee hours of Sunday morning for help, was put on hold, then disconnected; but that politically motivated publicity seeking weenie wants to waste resources pursuing someone who puffed some pot. We have sheds and barns in the county burning and exploding from meth production and home invasions and robbery on the increase, and that preening jackass wants to waste resources pursing a misdemeanor that may not have been committed in his jurisdiction.


...punishable by......$570 fine, plus court costs....

wow - thats gonna hurt
Pam said:
*rolling my eyes*


That short, Napoleonic sack of shit can't get a patrol car to a crime in under 45 minutes unless someone is bleeding, and he wants to waste resources on a crime he has most likely doesn't have jurisdiction over. *I* called the sheriff's department in the wee hours of Sunday morning for help, was put on hold, then disconnected; but that politically motivated publicity seeking weenie wants to waste resources pursuing someone who puffed some pot. We have sheds and barns in the county burning and exploding from meth production and home invasions and robbery on the increase, and that preening jackass wants to waste resources pursing a misdemeanor that may not have been committed in his jurisdiction.



Every time i read stories like that or ones where school administrators are on a f***ing power trip attempting to make a huge deal out of absolutely nothing it pisses me clean off. Zero tolerance = 100% bullshit.
what ever happened to a dang empty coke can with holes poked in it?
yeah best bet is get an apple and bore out a hole going down to the bottom and then up towards the top edge ( as seen ) and then stuff aluminum in the hole and it cools it a bit and its natural haha.

duno really though.

Roor is deff over priced, better to support local glass blowing IMO.
imaguitargod said:
I've smoked out of a pumpkin before. We set it up with hooka tubes and everything....fun times.

Craziest thing ive seen was a hooka made from an old dreamcast. The controller plugs were used to hook up the smoking tubes.