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Michael Phelps caught smoking pot

HA on both of them /

ever made a vaporizer from a lightbulb.. yeah NOT SAFE. kinda cool though. very stealth. Or just buy a volcano. Which is theeee most crazy thing ever very cool but WHOA packs a punch, almost like a gravity bong.
MrOneEyedBoh said:
HA on both of them /

ever made a vaporizer from a lightbulb.. yeah NOT SAFE. kinda cool though. very stealth. Or just buy a volcano. Which is theeee most crazy thing ever very cool but WHOA packs a punch, almost like a gravity bong.

The Volcano is amazing! They were passing around a bag from the volcano while I was standing in line for my pot at the medical store once in LA. Just amazingly potent.

I still like vaperizors best, and they are only around $125.
As a glass blower(although I haven't in a few years since I burned myself bad) I have to say Roors might not be the prettiest, but they're the most durable glass you can buy with a really high silica content. Years ago some friends and I had one fall a few stories onto concrete and still survive. That same bong I used to smash with a drum stick to show people just how strong they are. You just can't f*** with German products.
Thanatopsis said:
As a glass blower(although I haven't in a few years since I burned myself bad) I have to say Roors might not be the prettiest, but they're the most durable glass you can buy with a really high silica content. Years ago some friends and I had one fall a few stories onto concrete and still survive. That same bong I used to smash with a drum stick to show people just how strong they are. You just can't fuck with German products.

several years back when the head shop down the street from me was working on moving locations they got these glass pipes in they claimed were damn near indestructible. I called shenanigans.....so the guy proceded to hurl the pipe clean through the wall. I picked it out of the sheetrock, dusted it off and paid for it lol.

Never did manage to break it....just lost it.
See, for me bongs are too much trouble. Large, clumbsy, waste far too much product (read: pot), expensive, annoying to clean, and break too easly.

I like pipes, wood pipes in partuclar. Small, compact, easly to clean (save that resin for a rainy day), and they don't break. If I find myself in need of a water bong I make one out of a gallon water jug, use and recycle. I'm one of those handy stoners that can make a smoking instrument out of duct tape and a chewing gum wrapper.
Bent calls it his Pipe-Oh-Yea! tree.
wordwiz said:
Did you ever drink the water?


When I was a young dumbass (i'm an old dumbass now) some older kids gave me some bong water when I said that I was thirsty and I drank it. Got buzzed too.
i wouldn't think so RB.

Fair play to him if it's true, and all other athletes that have been caught with the weed, because i think if you smoke it you deserve an extra medal if you win.
I know it can focus the mind,but after a toke there is now way on earth i'm running/swimming/any thing fast enough to win medals!
Bongs are ok but a bit to much fiddling about, me and my mates favorite way was buckets (without the bucket!)
I will explain if anyone requests!
Davetaylor said:
i wouldn't think so RB.

Fair play to him if it's true, and all other athletes that have been caught with the weed, because i think if you smoke it you deserve an extra medal if you win.
I know it can focus the mind,but after a toke there is now way on earth i'm running/swimming/any thing fast enough to win medals!
Bongs are ok but a bit to much fiddling about, me and my mates favorite way was buckets (without the bucket!)
I will explain if anyone requests!

Buckets? Like gravity bongs? One of my roommates in college made a "lung". It was a 2L soda bottle with the bottom cut off. He then took a grocery bag and taped the opening of the bag to the bottom of the bottle. The bowl was removeable and sat in the mouth of the bottle.

To operate it, you would first suck all the air out which would suck the bag up into the bottle, the you light the bowl as you pulled on the bag. Take the bowl off and clear it. That thing would fill with smoke so thick it almost looked yellow.

Like a gravity bong without water lol

He was a dumbass though always making way way too much paraphenalia.