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Microsoft gives up on vista

People said the same thing about XP when it came out.... win07 is just the next in the lineup... every couple of years a new one comes out and every couple of years I get recertified
I've been running Vista since beta, on 4/5 of my PC's. More than half of my IT department is also running Vista. No one - and I mean NO ONE - has had any problems with it. And this is an IT department.

The biggest problem people have with Vista is they install it thinking they can run it on 5 year old hardware. Sorry, new software means you need new hardware (or a memory upgrade at least)... If you can't upgrade hardware, don't upgrade the OS!

In any case, ALL MS OS's release flaky. XP did, and now people love it. The Vista release was great compared to XP, but people LOVE XP now, so they concentrate on the negative. In 4 years, those same people will love Vista, and be complaining about how MS screwed up the lastest OS, because Vista is SO much better!

MS isn't giving up on Vista. They're just releasing another OS. That's what they do!
klyth said:
I've been running Vista since beta, on 4/5 of my PC's. More than half of my IT department is also running Vista. No one - and I mean NO ONE - has had any problems with it. And this is an IT department.
Sorry, but I have been drinking so please frogive the problems with grammer and spelling.

I worked for EA Games with the FIRST video game braught out specifically for Windows Vista and DX 10. We had NOTHIHNG BUT PROBLEMS with that operating system. Not only installing but working with the game itself. The programing was f-ed up, the integration was f-ed up, everything was f-ed up.

From all aspects with user integration, every single instance that we used Vista for, was screwed up.

Now, I'm an Anti-PC user, I admiate that. But as for a user of both Mac and PC for the past 30 years of both tech (I've used all incarnations of tihs stuff despite my age), Vista is the most horrid thing I think I've come accross in my professional use of technology.
You will like it and assimilate or be left behind.... The Vista o/s is virtually the same as Server08 as XP and server03 they didnt spend millions to go broke or give up... you may see Vista SE like win98 but you will see it. Granted in 2 yrs you will see another o/s and 2yrs after that and so on.... they ( manufactures) allllllll do it
imaguitargod said:
Sorry, but I have been drinking so please frogive the problems with grammer and spelling.

I worked for EA Games with the FIRST video game braught out specifically for Windows Vista and DX 10. We had NOTHIHNG BUT PROBLEMS with that operating system. Not only installing but working with the game itself. The programing was f-ed up, the integration was f-ed up, everything was f-ed up.

From all aspects with user integration, every single instance that we used Vista for, was screwed up.

Now, I'm an Anti-PC user, I admiate that. But as for a user of both Mac and PC for the past 30 years of both tech (I've used all incarnations of tihs stuff despite my age), Vista is the most horrid thing I think I've come accross in my professional use of technology.

Sounds like all your problems were with the game, not the OS. EA makes some pretty unstable stuff.
klyth said:
Sounds like all your problems were with the game, not the OS. EA makes some pretty unstable stuff.

Ya, we did have problems with the game, but mainly the problems we had were with Vista.
My question is, is if Microsoft will allow people that were force-fed the Vista crap (like myself), to install the new OS when it comes out for free.
DEFCON Creator said:
My question is, is if Microsoft will allow people that were force-fed the Vista crap (like myself), to install the new OS when it comes out for free.

Vista will probably not allow it unless you completely wipe the hard drive and even then it'll probably survive and screw things up. Vista was Microsoft's attempt at Skynet.
imaguitargod said:
Vista is the most horrid thing I think I've come accross in my professional use of technology.

I agree.. It's as bad or worse than their Windows ME, which was another hurry up project..

My question is, is if Microsoft will allow people that were force-fed the Vista crap (like myself), to install the new OS when it comes out for free.

DREAM ON... :shocked:
Too true! I can't remember them refunding anyone who got an OEM version of Win ME!

I took my old Win ME box and installed the Linux-based OS-Ubuntu on it. A good learning tool..
My next computer won't have a Microsoft OS on it.
Here's a bit more information for ya on SP3.


Also, if you used a patcher to modified your uxtheme.dll to use any 3rd party msstyle themes, you'll need to repatch the uxtheme.dll. Did Google search and found SP3 UxTheme Patcher that's for "Windows XP SP3 RTM version 5512".

That was a fun one for me as I do have a patched uxtheme.dll. I also use a 3rd-party media player, and graphics apps. Really hate when they default things back to what MS thinks I should use...all while adding numerous services I don't need.

If you need, here's the BIG list of all fixes included in SP3.