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Mill's new pepper porn and questions July 16, 2008


Extreme Member
First up the questions.

What is this plant, got it for free, unlabeled.


Here are some of my habaneros, any idea what type of habs they are. I got them from a garden center just labeled as habanero.



Thsi first pods look like super chilis but the one pod per node doesn't fit the super chili mold since the supers are multiple peppers at a single node...if it weren't for the shape of the pods (amd color) I would say it is a tabasco but the pods are too "fat" at the base for tabascos...could be a pequin as LD said but the pods look too long for pequins to me...stumped here....Potawie...HELP!!!!

the hab looks like a standard orange habanero to me...MO...
The first one does look a lot like my super chili, but the color of the pods is different...so probably not super chili.

The second one is definitely orange hab.
The first one may be a Thai ornamental. I have seen others like it labeled as such at different stores in the area. They are quite hot, to me. I cannot wait until the habs start coming in like they look like they will. I will have them coming out my ears.
just guessing, but I'd agree with you (MWM) the 1st plant looks like a thai type. but then again theres several other annuums that are similar looking, best look at ripe chile color & flower to decide what it is.
but if you have thais being sold around your area then theres a good chance its a thai by the looks of it.

that japones pic, nice looking rosemary plants :cool: (if thats what they are ? because they sure look like'em) I wish I could keep a rosemary plant alive outside all year round here.
It is actually a ewe. I think. A pine type of bush that we planted earlier in the spring when we redid our flower bed.