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Mixed emotions and fear of the JOLOKIA. Emotional breakDOWN! :-p

I too am a Bhut Jolokia virgin. I grew them last year for the first time. I tasted a little bit of juice from one, ate a chicken wing I made with some powder, that was a miserable experience lemme tell you, and have tasted a small pinch of the powder--another not so bright decision.

This year I will eat some of the flesh. There's no way in hell I'm going to eat a whole one--yet. Skydiver is right, the pain will go away. Eventually.:P
I don't know that anyone "handles" the naga or jolokia. In a vid with Neil and THSC he seriously says after chewing on it.."don't even try this..." Thats a very serious warning as Neil has a wheelbarrow to carry around his cajones.

Cheers, TB.
When it comes to nagas, T-scorps, and 7-pots, I think a healthy dose of both fear and respect is in order. I actually got fresh bhut pods sent to me in the mail last year. They were HUGE, and the smell of them made the kitchen smell amazing. The color was intensely scary, their size was scary (I swear some were almost 5 inches long) and those crazy pimples that look like claws and hooks all over them had me shook. I knew better than to just take a bite, but still my roommate and I had to try some fresh pod. We cut a few ring slices from around the top and popped them in our mouths. Serious shit man. It was by far the most intense experience I've encountered in pepperdom. My girlfriend wanted to try a piece, so I cut her a paper thin slice that didn't even penetrate through to the placenta thinking it wouldn't be so bad. Forgot about all the cap resin coating the knife. She danced around the house hurling obscenities at me and the pepper, the best of which was, "That plant is EVIL!"

I cut those things up wearing nitrile gloves (because of reading this http://thechileman.blogspot.com/ Scroll down to the "April 14th- the worst day of my life" post) and saved all the seeds by removing them with tweezers to keep the placenta intact. I turned them into a small woozy bottle of "concentrate" that was just bhuts, vinegar and salt, and even a couple of drops of that stuff in ketchup can render it almost too hot to eat. I still have half of that bottle left, and whenever someone wants to try something hotter than my standard sauce, I break out the XXX Naga Death and a glass of milk for them. It always ends with them lying on a couch somewhere for a while, or trying to douse the flames with beer and feeling sorry they'd done it.

In short, as scary as they are, that's why we grow them! We're truly weirdos. And I can't wait for fresh pods from mine. I love that fear factor that goes along with the superhots. Makes dorfin twice as enjoyable after the heat calms down!
Nice post FS!

Yeah, I think a lot of it all is mental...yer body's gonna do whatever it's gonna do...but how you steel yourself, breathe and remain calm dictats a lot of the experience.

It's kinda like getting a tattoo or getting a big splinter pulled...you know it's coming....and it's only like a few minutes of pain + 10-15 mins of cooldown anyways. :twisted:

Chilehead Zen eh?

It is a pepper to be respected and I had the same mixed emotions when I acutually started seeing the demon spawn baby that I had nourished since seed -- Its like a cat bringing you the dead mouse it played with. I've used mine in Wonton Poppers and powders and to strip paint -- Enjoy
patrick said:
I too am a Bhut Jolokia virgin. I grew them last year for the first time. I tasted a little bit of juice from one, ate a chicken wing I made with some powder, that was a miserable experience lemme tell you, and have tasted a small pinch of the powder--another not so bright decision.

This year I will eat some of the flesh. There's no way in hell I'm going to eat a whole one--yet. Skydiver is right, the pain will go away. Eventually.:P

Yeah and it after the mouth and throat pain stops that you need begin to worry. After that it won't be long until the REAL pain begins down below!