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Hey ya'll once again from the big dry ditch in Las Vegas. I was going to grill today but ahhh...a little too hot once again. Maybe tomorrow will be more appropos. My gal had bought some very nice ground beef to make some sliders but she changed her mind as usual and opted instead for spinach/cheese ravioli with garlic cream sauce instead. Of course I was enlisted to do the cooking. So what to do with the ground beef? I have peppers. I have cheese. Duh..como se dice en espanol....poppers!!
Ground beef, japs, 4 cheese Mexi mix, shallots, Lawry's and fresh ground pepper. Here tis. Notice the melon ball tool I use to deseed. Works perfect.

The mix.



Have a great holiday ya'll....and cheers!!! Texas Bluesman
texas blues said:
Canadian and doesn't drink beer? Who are you really and who are you working for? CIA? KGB? SMASH? CHAOS? We'll find out soon enough compadre.....

: begins searching for a hose for waterboarding :

Salute', TB.

yea i'd much rather drink hard stuff like tequila vodka or rum... need to get me some screech. but as for beer its such a bitter flavor to it i dont like it.
Well.....since you are a tequila drinker, I'll give you a pass on the beer 'thang. But like Ralph said to Norton...."I'm watchin' you.."

Salute', TB.
texas blues said:
Well.....since you are a tequila drinker, I'll give you a pass on the beer 'thang. But like Ralph said to Norton...."I'm watchin' you.."

Salute', TB.

nuclear prairie fires ftw when i have tequila at home. its about 4 drops of spontanious combustion sauce into a shot of eather silver or gold tequila. or when at the bar i get a dobble 1oz tequila 1oz tabasco.
N_FF said:
nuclear prairie fires ftw when i have tequila at home. its about 4 drops of spontanious combustion sauce into a shot of eather silver or gold tequila. or when at the bar i get a dobble 1oz tequila 1oz tabasco.

Tequila and Tabasco? HAH! You really ARE Canadian!

Salute', TB.
texas blues said:
Tequila and Tabasco? HAH! You really ARE Canadian!

Salute', TB.

eh its all the bars have. as i said before when i have a bottle at home its made with a red savina extract sauce instead of tabasco.

and whats that Canadian crack all about?
I've had that too. Hey when you're in a bar and want a Prarie Fire you may be limited to what they have. (Unless you're AJ and have a bottle of Defcon Zero in your pocket)
well im not lucky enough to carry a $100+ vial of hotsauce around with me all the time. but what they should do is make like scorpion concentrate pendants. make like an infused vinigar with scorpions in it. then ware it around your neck. and whenever ya need it ya got some killer sauce/extract.
N_FF said:
eh its all the bars have. as i said before when i have a bottle at home its made with a red savina extract sauce instead of tabasco.

and whats that Canadian crack all about?

C'mon now, we yanks have to get over on you canucks somehow. It's all in fun.

Salute', TB.
It would be fun to watch TB get screeched-in and "Kiss the Cod" :lol:

Repeat after me..

" Indeed I is; Me olde Cock, and long may yer big Jib draw"
Dontcha' have to actually be in Newfoundland to be Screeched in? And what about the certificate? Can you even get Screech in the states? I can find a cod but the rum might be tough.

Salute', TB.
i wouldent be able to tell you since i myself havent been screeched in. i live in manitoba nowhere near nufie land.
i did it i finally did it i made some poppers.


mmmm blurry little hab boats.

poppers filled and some wraped in bacon.

hab poppers done!

wow these are actualy quite fricken hott. they kick the back of my throats ass. that is if a throat back can have an ass.
nice fruity flavor then you get the meat then the heat. yumm.
yea the bacon realy gives it a great flavor... but wow those things are intense! the burn is just finishing and im rideing out the "rush" i scarfed down like 15 of the little bastards. ouch. so ya now im feeling all "floaty"
Nice! As TB's fellow Overlord, I will use his rating and anoint them Hot, Blue, and Righteous!

Just be warned, next time I expect more bacon!