• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Mnemosynesis 2016

Mnemosynesis 2016
Hello everyone, I’m back again this year after a failed attempt at maintaining a log last season. Between work, camping, and growing I had a hard time maintaining my log and remembering to do so. I hope to change that this year.
I’ve made numerous changes to my setup this season. I’ve ditched the CFL cage I had last year, and instead opted to go with a 4 bulb T8 system mounted to the ceiling with adjustable chains. I was able to sell my CFL bulbs and such to a friend that I got into growing, and it was able to completely subsidize the T8 setup which was surprisingly cheap.
After growing hot peppers for the first time last year I realized that my palate can’t necessarily handle the heat of the super hots quite yet. I could handle habaneros on my breakfast and such, but the fatalii peppers killed me. So I decided to make some changes to what I grow this season.
After giving away all my extra plants last year to coworkers and family friends I’m going to charge them a wee bit for the plants ($4 CAD per I think) this season to hopefully subsidize any upgrades I make next year, as well as the cost of soil, nutrients, electricity, and seeds.
Without further ado these are the peppers I currently have growing, with more to be added as space becomes available.
Trinidad Perfume
Chichimeca Jalapeno
Purple Jalapeno (overwintered from last season)
Jaloro Jalapeno
Farmer’s Market Jalapeno
Reaper (for the novelty – and maybe pranks)
NuMex Big Jim
Chocolate Beauty
Giant Marconi
I sowed the seeds December 8, and had germination in every cup by December 15. Really happy with the speed of the system I used this year. I had big troubles with germination last season.
I made a post asking for help as I was having some problems with my seedlings. Thanks to those who helped diagnose my problem of overcrowding. This was of Trinidad Perfume Peppers with some sunburn.

Over two hours of work went into carefully separating the mess of roots in these cups. I’m going to transition into a cell set up for next season to prevent that from happening again. Here they are all separated up and in their homes for the next couple months.

Here’s a picture of my overwintered Purple Jalapeno plant. It was more of an experiment but when I had set up my new system I wanted to put the few CFL bulbs I had left to use and see what would happen. It has a few peppers growing on it currently!

A week or so after transplanting up, and the pepper plants are doing amazing.
Chocolate Beauty (it might be my favourite plant, the colour of the leaves and the shape, it’s quite beautiful)

Another Purple Jalapeno which will be sold to a friend.


Trinidad Perfume

Working with these seedlings this year has been a lot easier with what I was taught here and through various YouTube videos last year. I find it quite remarkable how little water they need, and how much over watering I was doing last season.
Group photo!

From the side. The adjustability in terms of height on either end has really helped, this really put into perspective how the different species of peppers grow and why some have such long dates to maturity. I have 36 plants of which I will be keeping 10 (and germinating more after that).

CFL induced Purple Jalapeno!

Another Reaper shot, I really like the way these plants look also. Short and stout.

I hope to keep this updated on a frequent basis. I will be topping these peppers twice before they go outside around April.
Hey guys, just an update I was busy with work last week so I watered the plants on schedule so I wouldn't have to worry about them until this past Thursday. When I checked on them I noticed that a few of the plants had dots of the leaves and were dropping leaves. I pulled them out and threw them out. I had this issue with a few seedlings but when I planted them up the new growth was green. I checked on them again this morning and I had to pull 6 more. I'm slowly loosing my seedlings here. Can anyone diagnose please, I haven't seen any pests.

So I self diagnosed as BLS, there are three possibilities of seeds that caused it because I used the same soil for every plant and nothing was re-used from last year. It could have been either the Jaloro, Farmer's Market Jalapeno, or the Chichemeca Jalapeno as they were the primary targets. It destroyed about 15 of my seedlings and was spreading like wildfire. I have it under control now but will need to restart a lot of seeds to make up for this. In other news, the Purple Jalapeno seems extremely immune to BLS.
Here are some pictures of the damage caused on quarantined seedlings that happened in a very short period of time ~1 to ~2 days.



Just decimated. Spread like wildfire around anything close to the others. Had to separate and then wait for symptoms to appear on other plants. It seemed to manifest itself on the bottom of the leaves before appearing on the tops. I made sure to wash my hands between touching infected and clean plants and it seems to be under control. I will be checking the surviving plants daily for the next week to see if it's okay. I have just re-potted into 1L cups.
Lastly a shot of most of the surviving plants.

A close up of a Trinidad Perfume that I'm particularly fond of.