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seeds Moon Phases - Germinating and Planting

Here's a little something I picked up from gardening by the moon.
If it helps, then it couldn't hurt.

The lunar phase controls the amount of moisture in the soil. This moisture is at its peak at the time of the new and the full moon. The tides are highest at this time, when sun and moon are lined up with earth. Just as the moon pulls the tides in the oceans, it also pulls upon the subtle bodies of water, causing moisture to rise in the earth, which encourages germination and growth. Tests have proven that seeds will absorb the most water at the time of the full moon.

In the second quarter the gravitational pull is less, but the moonlight is strong, creating strong leaf growth. It is generally a good time for planting, especially two days before the full moon. The types of crops that prefer the second quarter are annuals that produce above ground, but their seeds form inside the fruit, such as beans, melons, peas, peppers, squash, and tomatoes. Mow lawns in the first or second quarter to increase growth.
Mow lawns in the first or second quarter to increase growth.[/QUOTE]

So, if I mow my lawn in the third or fourth quarter does it mean I won't have to cut it as often?
