More Seeds Than I Can Use

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I have a ton of extra seeds from Jim Duffy's site ( Actually, all of them are from the site, except the Chocolate Habanero and Cayenne that I got from Seed Needs, the Peter Pepper and Regular Bhut Jolokia seeds are from my friends farm (the plants were not isolated, just to give a warning), and I got the orange habanero seeds from orange habs I got from my local grocery store.

If anyone has any questions or wants any of the seeds, just respond or pm me. Just sasbe, everything else is free

Naga Morich
Chocolate Bhut Jolokia
Yellow Bhut Jolokia
Yellow Trinidad 7 Pot
Trinidad Moruga Scorpion
Black Stinger
Jamaican Red Mushroom
Safi Red Scotch Bonnet
Ecuadorian Devil's Breath
Fatalii Pepper
Yellow Fatalii Pepper
Chocolate Habanero
Orange Habanero
Peter Pepper
Regular Bhut Jolokia
i would love to get some from you...
Black Stinger
Jamaican Red Mushroom
Safi Red Scotch Bonnet
Ecuadorian Devil's Breath

pm on the way...
Nice offer and selection. Thanks for sharing.

PM on way, with similar varieties as above.
Some of your seed types are really great. :onfire: